Chapter 33🍞

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.


Muntaha walked to the doorway quietly and stood there with his hands adjusted on his chest. He bit his lips when he heard the sounds of anklets once more and readied himself. A set of eyes showed themselves in the semi darkness and blinked at him in curiosity and then shock. The person gasped and tried to flee, unsuccessfully. Muntaha grabbed the hand of the person and turned her towards himself, coming face to face with a young woman, whose wide eyes were filled with shock and excitement. The fair face shone in the little light emitting from the single lamp, placed in the small cavity of the wall. Muntaha let the hand go in haste, like it had suddenly burned him. His face, which was moments ago open and tearful grew cold and closed off as he diverted his eyes and began to mutter apologies to his Rabb. The woman sighed in adoration and then grew scared when she saw the obvious change on his face. Muntaha placed his hand, which had gripped her's a moment ago, a little above the flame of the lamp. The woman's eyes widened in horror.

"What are you doing? You will burn your hand." The girl whisper shouted to him. Muntaha didn't remove his hand.

"Get out of here, whoever you are and do not return." His voice was calm, too calm. The girl gulped nervously.

There were hurried footsteps behind her in the passage outside and then a group of men emerged, holding the hands of two other girls, one of whom was a mere child and the other was a little more younger than the one standing in front of Muntaha.

"Forgive me My Liege!" Razmil came forward to hold the girl in front of him and pull her back. "She is my youngest sister Layla. And these are my nieces Rufia and Fareez. They were just being childish and I apologize for their intrusiveness."

Muntaha slowly removed his hand from the tip of the flame. His skin was angry red by then. Layla bit her lips as she watched him fist his hand and turn towards the window. She was considered a beauty in her family, with eyes as wide as a gazelle and a straight nose which appeared to be carved with precision. Unlike her name her skin was fair and it glowed. She was so beautiful that anytime she walked in the market, even with her veil covering her face, she became the magnet attracting everyone towards her. But the man in front of her, whom she had already declared as the most handsome man she had ever seen, barely gave her a glance and then moved both his hand and eyes away from her towards the flame, like she digusted him. The very thought brought tears of anguish in her eyes.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again Ya Razmil. If you cannot keep them in, then we will find another place for us to stay in. I understand that they are young girls and I understand that they do these things in innocence. I have a sister through whom I have had first hand experiences of such antics. But it shouldn't happen again." Muntaha declared with a harshness that surprised everyone. He was known to be cold but gentle. But at that second he was as harsh as an ice storm. Muntaha's men who had crowded the passage by then were shocked to see their leader in such anger.

"That won't be necessary My Liege! We will take care henceforth." Razmil was embarassed and apologetic. He had brought up his sister with utmost love and care. She had been the apple of everyone's eyes and she wasn't used to being the source of anyone's displeasure. Putting her down would be something difficult for him. He sighed and wished she had listened to him just this once. He gently but firmly pulled his sister, who was tansfixed on her spot and was watching Muntaha with intense eyes. He remained stony though, as he stared at the sky outside.

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