Chapter 32🌻

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu my readers.


The slight breeze rustled the moonlit leaves on the giant trees of the Valley of Qamar, creating beautiful music. The clear stream sweetly flowed on its way, cascading on the forest floor with a childlike enthusiasm. The whole scene was beautiful except the lone woman standing on the bank of the stream.

Nazlee sadly watched the moon as she contemplated on the scene she had witnessed earlier that night. She sighed in frustration. She was helpless to help a friend in need and she didn't even know if she should do something about it, because on one hand was her brother's much awaited happiness. Daarim loved Vareesha since years and now very soon they were going to become each other's after Daarim's return. She had witnessed his anticipation, his ache for Vareesha, his happiness when she finally returned his feelings, his elation when he left, because as soon as he returned he was going to get that one woman he had loved.

On the other hand though, was her friend. She had witnessed the looks she threw at her brother, the adoration that lit up her eyes when something related to Daarim came up. And recently she had wirnessed the heartbreak that was written all over her face. Tonight though what she had witnessed was something more. Tonight she had witnessed grief and it was so unbearable that she had to escape from there. Nazlee was at the crossroads and she didnt know which way to choose. So she sat there defeated and agonised. Whomever she chose to support, she would have to witness pain. She would lose either way. She sighed painfully.

There was a swooshing noise and before she could turn, the arrows passed within inches of her face and found their targets on the trees around her, where makeshift miniscule targets hung. She turned to see Sidra walk towards her with a bow in her hand. She frowned at Sidra.

"Don't you sleep anymore Sidra?" She enquired. Sidra chuckled and watched her with lit up eyes.

"I am practicing. I have less than a month to accompany the warriors to the Sorcerer's land." Sidra replied as she watched the moon with her. Her eyes had a faraway look in them.

"What?" Nazlee shouted in surprise. "But you can't!"

"Why can't I?" Sidra frowned at her. She had suddenly gone white.

"Because that's not a place for humans Sidra. That place is swarming with dark entities. It's dangerous. You will be inviting trouble by going there."

"That's why I am training Nazlee. So I can invite trouble and finish it with my own hands. I need to face it rather than hiding away from it."

"I would advise you against going there."

"I am not going alone. I will be accompanied by the best warriors of your tribe." Sidra pacified her. "Forget about me. Why are you sitting here sadly?" She asked Nazlee, who sighed again.

"What do someone do when they are supposed to chose a side and any side they chose will just invite loss to them? How are they supposed to function when people they love will be hurt whatever their decision be?" Nazlee asked her. Sidra frowned.

"I have never been in that position before Nazlee so anything I say or do wouldn't help you in the least." Sidra replied. Nazlee chuckled sadly and shook her head.

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