Chapter 39🌸

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

I mention it again. Mistakes needs to be pointed out. Jazakallahu khair.


Muntaha sighed as the girl before him broke apart right in front of his eyes. He bit his lips and furrowed his brows before he straightened to his full height.

"You will think about it?" Sidra narrowed her eyes at him and then huffed before she flipped her long hair and tried to get past him. He smiled at her and held her hand before pulling her to stand before him, as he left the support of the wall. He dwarfed her by many inches as he looked down at her face. She had fire glowing in her eyes as she watched him back. It was his favorite spark alight in her golden mirror eyes.

"It depends!" Muntaha exclaimed in mock helplessness, to Sidra's chagrin.

"On what?" Sidra demanded with narrowed eyes.

"On what you can do for me that the other women can't." Muntaha smirked at her. She gasped at him and huffed before looking away angrily. He was standing too near her without touching her. Muntaha was using every ounce of his willpower to not pull her in his arms and kiss her frown away. But he was enjoying this too much to put a stop to it. "So there is nothing that you could do, that they can't?" Muntaha goaded her. "So disappointing!" Muntaha whispered in her ears in mock disappointment and turned away as if to exit the hut.

"Jibreel..." He heard her whisper and his feet were shackled tightly to the ground. He swallowed as his heart picked up speed. He was breathing faster than before now. He felt two arms slipping from beneath his arms and holding him tightly, as Sidra placed her head on his back. He closed his eyes as pure pleasure coursed through his nerve endings, alighting them with contentment. Once, before, she had called him this way. Granted that she had uttered his other name but the helplessness was the same. Even then ignoring her feelings and the pure love in her voice had been too difficult for him, but he had done it because he couldn't exactly stop her. He was at a battle with himself then. But now? That mixture of love and helplessness, the sweetness and the possessiveness were all mixed in perfect proportions to grant him this immense peace. He was helpless when she called him this way. Like she would die if he didn't respond and that very thought was enough to send a shockwave through his system. Without her in his life, he couldn't imagine it now. Not after he had had her as his'. "So you want to know what I can do that the other women can't?" Sidra whispered near his ear as she stood on her tiptoes to reach him. He freed the cage of her arms and turned suddenly before he held her hands tightly and pulled her flush against himself and held her hands behind her in one fist. With the other hand he touched her cheek. She shut her eyes.

"I already got my answer..." He whispered back to her as he placed a single kiss on her forehead. "No words are necessary after that." He released her arms and hugged her to himself. Outside, the trees swayed gently under the moon, the silent witnesses of growing love between two hearts.

"Binte Ismayeel! Return back to your chambers. I am a rebel and there is no place in my life for a woman such as yourself. You are treated like a princess and in my life there is no place for someone so sheltered. I feel sympathy for you but more than that I cannot bring myself to feel. And when there is no feeling for you in my heart then how can I take you in my Nikah? I have always followed my heart in such matters and my heart is not yours to take. It beats on a different rhyhm than yours. Do not do an injustice with yourself and let your family find such a man for you who actually could love you! I am not a heartless man to marry someone and throw them aside. So do not dream of me." Muntaha told her firmly. Layla watched him with wide eyes which were gradually getting dimmer.

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