Chapter 112

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. How are you all? I am back with a chapter. If anyone is still interested to read.

I have encountered writers block and also writing anything seems mundane and painful right now. But maybe this is how I can help? I dunno. I just know that if my writings can somehow help I would write. N till then prayers would hve to suffice.

To those who stay with me despite everything I am grateful and hope to become better. And Jazakallahu khairan for your words. It brings me inspiration warmth and comfort. It makes me want to write again.

Love you all for the sake of Allah


Time and tide,
Nothing matters,
You always find me...
And that's why I breathe in ease,
Because I know I might let go,
But you will never let go so easily,
I might loose this battle,
But for me, you will win this war...

Amiza woke up this time and found herself tied to a tree. The calm that had engulfed her had now transformed to panic. She looked around to see an oasis of some kind and a caravan had made a camp here. She was still wondering about how she reached here. Her head was throbbing in pain. She was not being able to think clearly with the pain.

And she was so hungry...

Her stomach growled and she could feel her throat, parched and thirsty. Amiza became tearful and tried her hardest to focus. How had she reached here? She had been safe in the camp. What had changed?

"So you are awake..." She heard Maahim's spine chilling voice and turned. She was standing some distance away as she smirked at her.

"What did you do? Why did you bring me here?" Amiza asked as she tried to free herself. Maahim chuckled.

"I snatched you from your so called sister like she snatched my son from me. She will realise the pain of losing someone only when she herself lose you. When she comes to know that you were taken away and that you now know who she is, she will die each moment for losing you." Maahim replied angrily. Amiza stilled. The level of hatred in Maahim's voice gutted Amiza.

How could she come into Maahim's words when she already knew what this woman could do to get her revenge? How could she be so careless?

"You will not get out of this alive Maahim. Adara will never let you get away with this." She warned Maahim with false bravado. Maahim thre her head back and laughed.

"Oh she will behave like an injured wild animal. But she will never be able to save you. She will never be able to reach you. And after I am done with you, after I am done watching the destruction on her face after she realises that she was the reason for your fate, I will gladly die... But before that, I will see her fall." Maahim declared. "Don't you understand? I am not scared of death. All I want is to make her realise the pain she has gifted me with."

Amiza shuddered. There was something about this woman that made her want to curl up in a fortress. She was a mere woman but more than once she had become the reason of their suffering.

"What are you going to do?" Amiza enquired shakily. Maahim smiled. It was almost sweet, if she ignored the cruelty glinting in her eyes. She ran the back of hand on Amiza's cheeks.

"Your sister might be a princess, but you are the true beauty. You are the moon of the fourteenth. A beauty such as yours is highly in demand. People would pay me handsomely for a face such as yours." Maahim answered. Amiza felt her heart drop. She could clearly understand. "But its not money I require. What I want is more complicated. Isn't it?" She asked conversationally. It was as if they were discussing about the weather and not Amiza's possible fate. "I want revenge. Plain and simple revenge. I want to see you in pain so Adara can feel the pain." Maahim told her. She took her hand back and looked away, far into the night. Her eyes seemed to be focussed on something only she could see. "Back in Anazirah, the travelers used to bring news. News about an establishment of Azfahan where women were being abducted to. They were trained there. Their spirits were destroyed and they were moulded into vessels to carry the whims of the establishment. Their bodies became playthings for men. And thats where the idea of what I needed to do took birth. I need to sell you to them. They would gladly accept a beauty like you. They would highly appreciate it. And in turn, I would highly appreciate what they would do to you. Amiza Thuraiz, your relationship with your sister will become the bane of your existence. You will hate and revile her with your whole heart, when you will become a plaything for people. And your hatred for her will be peace for me and for the hatred I possess for her. The knowledge that it was because of her you became as such, will fill you with resentment and haunt her day and night. Both you and she herself will never forgive her."

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