Chapter 71💧

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu •

Love you all. Pray for the Ummah. May Allah protect us all.


Raabel stood up from Sidra's side after she had dozed off and walked out of her room, shutting the door gently and then stepped out on the wide terrace of their home, already finding it occupied by Reem and Ajdaan, who were sitting with each other and speaking quietly. She sighed as her heart felt a little pained upon witnessing their obvious love for each other. She turned away quickly before they could find her presence and walked back to her own chamber.

Settling upon her musallah, she began to pray. Her eyes were shedding tears and with each tear, her fractured heart was being mended. Verily, in His remembrance did people find peace. As she settled after the salah, with her hands raised, she began to murmur prayers to her Rabb.

When Reem had entered her life, it had broken her. Everyone were possessive about their spouses. She too was possessive. She was broken when he brought Reem to their home and made her share him. She hadn't known how to react to this development. Suddenly his time was not wholly her's and even the time that was allotted to her felt like a stretch, because Ajdaan's eyes began to search for a glimpse of Reem even then. She felt her heart breaking every single moment of every single day and she didn't understand anymore about how to handle herself. And then in the chaos that was her life, she steered her attention towards the One who created her. She turned towards her Rabb, where she knew she would find peace. Only after she turned towards Him did she realise her mistake. Her mistake wasn't lack of attention towards her husband. No... her mistake was too much attention towards him.

Raabel had turned herself towards Ajdaan to such an extent that she used to move with a single movement of him. Her whole world was aligned to each of his breaths. She used to understand every arch of his eyebrows, every lift or drop of his lips, each unspoken word and even the way he used to blink. She had read him like he was holy to her. Her love and craze towards him bordered and sometimes crossed over to the level of devotion. And such devotion and attention isn't ever supposed to be showered on something that is created, only the Creator has this right, only the One who is complete and perfect has the right to devotion. And Raabel had in the haze of her love signed away that to her husband. So she had been shown what happened when your heart is too much attached to any aspect of the dunya. She had been made to realise what it was that she had been doing wrong.

Raabel had then immersed herself in the devotion to Allah and she had gone so deep in His SWT's love that Ajdaan had been mesmerized by her attachment to Ar Rahmaan. Her love towards their Rabb had pulled him back to her again. By then she had already cut herself from each of the worldly feeling that had caged her priorly. Ajdaan had tried a lot, but she had never returned to the former Raabel, who used to kiss the ground he walked upon. Soon, he had learned to accept her with her new ways and he had fallen in love with her too, because of the light that now shone upon her face and also because of the peace her presence brought him.

Sometimes, like that day, she experienced pain when she witnessed the love her husband had for Reem, but when she immersed herself back towards her Lord, she felt relieved and peaceful once again. She smiled with tears, as her heart returned back to it's normal rhythm and focussed her new prayers on Sidra.


Sidra woke up in the last third of the night and got up from her bed. She walked towards the window and watched the dark skies for some moments. The night was cloudy. It was cool and pleasant. The twinkling stars were eclipsed by the moving dense clouds.

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