Chapter 86👩🏽‍⚕️

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

Four more to go. And we will be back on track. Excited?


They all turned as one in the direction and found some people. Greeting them back, Muntaha gestured towards Dawood, who nodded and walked towards the group. Before he could reach them, a girl exited the group.

"Amiza?" She questioned in astonishment.  Amiza looked up tearfully to see a veiled girl before her. She frowned in confusion. "Rushi?" The girl asked hesitantly. Rushi was watching the girl keenly now.

"Farasha?" Rushi enquired. Her heart thudded in her chest. What was Farasha doing here? She had departed with Jasim for Haraira, after they had left for Anazirah and now she was back. Does that meant that Jasim was back too? Rushi's heart went frantic in confusion.

"Yes." Farasha responded and walked enthusiastically towards the girls hugging them both as they themselves emotionally grasped her in their arms. They were sniffling now at their reunion as the others watched them distractedly. "Why are everyone so somber?" Farasha enquired watching the gathering now as Muntaha urged Dawood to lead the rest of the group away. They would be lead to the camp for the time being. Rushi looked at Amiza for a second and then turned towards Farasha.

"Sidra is injured. She is swaying between life and death. There is no healer that can deal with her injuries." Rushi explained. Farasha stilled.

"What kind of injuries?" Farasha asked dreadfully. "Was she involved in a battle again?" She enquired. Amiza sobbed.

"Yes." Rushi answered as she held Amiza tightly. Farasha turned towards the rest of the gathering, searching for someone. Her eyes found Muntaha standing near the window as he whispered something. She walked towards him.

"Can I take a look at her injuries?" She enquired politely. Muntaha turned and watched her stoically. "I have learnt medicine from the healer of Haraira, I think I can help." She urged him. His rigidity melted away and he gave single curt nod. She nodded back. Muntaha requested Talha to lead her inside.

Farasha looked towards Amiza as she entered the chamber and nodded reassuringly. She would treat Sidra as her own sister.

Talha lead her inside the chamber and stood by her side. Talha had trained her for a span of some days before she departed for Haraira. He was anxious to see her progress.

Raabel and Jehaan watched from a distance as she slowly lifted the shawl that covered Sidra's wounds and began to check them. Her eyes glinted. She took note of all her injuries and then discussed quietly with Talha regarding the same. He nodded and shook his head muttering back to her. She sighed. Raabel and Jehaan looked at each other anxiously as they observed them.

Talha led her outside the chamber again where she faced the crowd. Her heart was beating wildly. She had never done extensive healing outside the watchful eyes of Zakira and she was missing her old lady a lot.

"Sidra's wounds are due to Jace. But interestingly, Sidra have already given herself first aid and by doing that she has bought us time to heal her. Did she have medical knowledge of such kind?" She asked the group.

"She is a student of healing. Kaamla have been training her. It's possible that she had already been given lessons in jace healing." Hudhud replied, impressed by Farasha.

"She stabbed herself with a knife as soon as she could, back in that cave." Arsalan said as he watched the door of the chamber devotedly. Muntaha watched him with an inscrutable expression. He had become stoic the moment he had laid Sidra on the bed inside.

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