Chapter 82🌌

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Sidra and the group of Reehans had departed from the valley almost a week ago. Amidst them was Nazlee, and Sehrish who was very quiet and distant from everyone except Nazlee. Daarim kept on glancing at her to check on her but she hadn't acknowledged him even once. She had withdrawn herself within her shell, even though it was decided that Daarim will be the one teaching her in the safe house. Ajdaan and Raabel had joined them too.

Arsalan was riding very near to Sidra, keeping her within reaching distance. They had began their journey in the leadership of Hudhud, who had been pushing them to ride faster and they had stopped very rarely. They were almost near the safe house when Sidra observed the forest.

"Stop!" Sidra said urgently. Her eyes roved over the scene below. A group of people were surrounded by some men and it seemed to her that they were being harassed. She halted her horse and turned towards Nazlee who was riding beside her on her own horse. "Nazlee those people are surrounded by some hooligans. Look! They seem to be troubling that caravan."

"I should drag you back to the valley. We are not even at the safe house yet and there is already trouble. You will be unsafe if you go there! I am not letting you get into any danger." Nazlee muttered harshly.

"Amizaaaaa!" They heard a voice scream in horror. Sidra's breaths grew ragged.

"Rushi?" Sidra whispered as she looked at the group of people more urgently. "That voice was Rushi's! That means they are here. Both Amiza and Rushi are in that group and they are in danger." Sidra concluded. "Nazlee I am going!" Sidra declared harshly.

"No!" Nazlee vehemently refused. "That's suicidal!"

"That's my sister Nazlee! She is mine to protect!" Sidra said. "What would you do for Daarim?" Sidra whispered softly. Nazlee gulped and watched Sidra and then determinedly turned her horse towards the group, riding beside her as Arsalan shouted from near them.

"Nazlee! Are you crazy? Those are not normal men!" Arsalan reprimanded her as he sped behind them. Arsalan had already gauged that the men surrounding the caravan were possessed. He was from the Dark forest. They had seen such things before. These men were not just men, they were possessed by the demons. They themselves were demons now, with very little humanity hiding beneath the vileness. These were usually sent by sorcerers to do their bidding.

Sidra unsheathed Jahad as she jumped from her horse, transforming it into a sword as she cut the hand of the man speeding towards Amiza, landing on her knee right in front of Rushi, who had pulled Amiza behind her in a moment. The men fell down with a screech, halting every other man right where they were, as Sidra stood back up and took her position before Rushi and Amiza, facing the possessed men or demons.

"No one touches my sisters!" Sidra declared as she rushed forward and raised her sword above a demon, leaping in the air and bringing it down on it's head. "ALLAHUAKBAR!"


Muntaha was having his breakfast of a simple bowl of porridge, when a man rushed in interrupting all the discussions going on in the hall and quietening the warriors.

"Where is Muntaha?" He shouted in urgency. The warriors begun to whisper and some of them pointed towards Muntaha who was by now on his feet and walking towards the man. The man rushed towards Muntaha. "Hurry Ya Muntaha. Murtaza's caravan is being attacked by someone strange. Dawood is right behind me and he says these are the same people who had kidnapped Sidra." The man shouted. Muntaha's eyes sharpened and he looked at his warriors.

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