Chapter 115

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Surprise surprise!



The night was too dark. The streets of Azfahan were deserted by now. Only two types of places stayed full of luster at this hour. One were the brothels of Nerezza and the second were more darker and viler than the first: Asdeh Zeen's dark houses, where they regularly practiced magic.

Every single day there was some or the other evil practices taking place in the dark houses. There had been a rise in abductions of girls and small kids. The people of Azfahan had begun to keep their women and young ones safely cocooned inside their houses, only traversing the streets if necessary and that too with many people to guard them. The conditions of the city were deteriorating each day.

Asdeh Zeen had employed her magicians and people to abduct the young girls and small kids for various practices and sacrifices. Her magicians had begun their work quite early after arrival and by now they had too many clients in each social strata of this society. Nerezza's girls were helping in every way they could.

Their clients were led to them by the girls who usually kept them company in the dark hours of the night. These girls whispered in the clients' ears regarding the solutions to their various problems, which the beauties gleened information about from their time spent together. Slowly they led these clients to the magicians and got them entangled in their webs of magic. It was a circle. The clients led more people to them as their supposed problems ended. But the problems had just begun for them. There was always a deeper problem that followed the one they solved and this circle never ended keeping the client in their web and leading them towards shirk finally. Nothing was simple in their circles. Everything was a step by step process that they themselves arranged to destroy the people they wanted.

When a society began to spiral in such practices, it was destroyed morally and also because they distanced themselves from that one Lord who was the only One who is to be approached with calls for helps, guidance and every other need. When anyone knocks on a door other than His', they are setting themselves up for destruction. They are giving their safety up along with their respect, which the devil plays with, with relish. And Azfahan was already in this mess. Asdeh had already decided to branch out from there. She had even sent some of her best ones to other major cities of Ghazdaan along with Nerezza's girls.

She herself was going to move soon. She also had to meet the head sorcerer of this place, the one they called as Sharr. She did not know him personally but had heard about him from the whispers. She had heard he didn't just meet anyone but sometimes if you are lucky he did accept certain... Gifts... She had already asked Nerezza to find and prepare such a gift that would push him to meet her.

Asdeh sighed. There was no sign of her brother yet. Neither did she find Adara or Amiza. But her late night sacrifice and the recent dark practice late at night had made her 'Master' tell her that she will receive a visitor today. She was also asked to leave the city soon because rumors were spreading and she had yet to finish her mission. She couldn't stay at one place and invite attention to her.

Day after tomorrow was a new moon night and she had to do another ritual on it to appease her 'Master'. She needed a sacrifice for that and that sacrifice had to be a young girl with specifications that the ritual demanded. So she had sent her people to begin the search soon. She could gain more favors that way.

Magic isn't wand waving or potion making. It's a dark and a dirty business, leading one deeper and misguiding them thoroughly. It's something that can alter the soul and tarnish the hearts. Magic is also the root of many more evil things that a person in thirst of it commits. It's a ladder that misleads one to higher sins. And that's why magic is forbidden in Islam. A believer is thoroughly warned. It's a terrible thing that is to be avoided at every cost. Do not let the promise of the fulfillment of you desires fool you into thinking it safe and glamorous. There is no light for the one who enters this world until and unless they come out of it. And even when they do come out, there is always a cost that has to be paid for indulging in it in the first place. The cost could be families, fortunes and even the life itself. So beware!

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