Chapter 87❤️

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

Three more to go. Are you all still here dear readers??

"Yes I will..." She whispered, decreasing and increasing the tension in the hut, all at once. "On one condition though..."

"What condition?" Muntaha enquired from her. The others in that room were as astonished as Muntaha himself. Sidra watched him for some short seconds and then looked away. He frowned.

"If I come in your life, you will never have place for other women in it." Sidra declared. Muntaha's tensed shoulders relaxed. He smiled slightly. She was still not meeting his eyes.

Hudhud had made a sound of protest though and Muntaha turned towards him, lifting an eyebrow in question.

"You cannot promise that. You are a leader. Many times leaders have to marry multiple women for the political reasons. The ties of kinship holds the empire much strongly then normal alliances." Hudhud answered him sternly. Muntaha scoffed. He walked towards the door of the hut and looked towards the valley sprawled outside.

"What ties of kinship Ya Hudhud? Which relationship can be stronger than brotherhood? And yet my father was betrayed by his own brother, his own blood. Why didn't their ties of kinship hold him and his kingdom more strongly?" Muntaha questioned heatedly. "The truth is Ya Hudhud, only Allah can hold an empire strongly. If He wills then He will raise it to the heavens and when He wants He can reduce it to dust. If He so desires, He creates strong alliances even between the strangers and whenever He deems so, He can reduce a kinship as strong as brotherhood to dust. A man can never be in control of these affairs Ya Hudhud. Yes... we can try and leave the rest to Allah." Hudhud fell silent at Muntaha's answer. Muntaha turned towards Sidra who was standing silently but appeared to be firm in what she had demanded of him. "Why do you even think I will look towards someone else when I have you?" He questioned her. "Do I look like someone who can manage multiple marriages to you? My heart will stay firm on you In sha Allah. I will not be able to do justice between you and anybody else. And I cannot risk my aakhirah by marrying many women and not being able to do justice between them. So you have nothing to worry about."

"Like Hudhud said. You are a leader. You may need to utilize the ties of marriages to secure alliances." Sidra replied.

"You have already heard my answer to him Sidra." Muntaha replied as he walked towards her.

"When I was growing up, I had to share everything. All of my things, even though we were quite wealthy, had to be shared because my parents never wanted me to become 'spoilt' as they declared. I was too inquisitive for being their princess, not at all obedient and demure. I could never win their hearts like Amiza could. Every single moment I watched them shower love over my siblings as I stood at the periphery like an outsider who never belonged." Sidra reminisced as the people around her watched. She had no harsh feelings due to her childhood, yet it was something that had shaped her choices and was important for her to be understood. So they listened. "So I knew that when I marry, I will never be able to share my husband with anybody. I cannot divide his love and hand it over to another woman. I cannot let him divide his time between me and someone else. It may make me selfish, but thats how it will be. If I marry, I will marry the person who promises me that there will be no one else besides me in his life, the person who promises me to never share himself and his love with other women. Thats all I ask of you. If you can give it then I agree with your demands and if not then lets just depart on a good note." Sidra finished.

"The thing is, even without the promise I would have remained solely yours. I have watched my Amm dote upon my Ummi, whole my life. The love they share is what have always inspired me and shaped my views of a marriage. Through them I learnt to love just one person, forever. Don't worry... Being a one woman man runs in my veins. But if you still want a spoken promise, then in the presence of these witnesses, I promise you, as long as I breathe, In sha Allah, I will remain yours and even after that I will meet you in jannah. I will take no other women in my nikah because you are it for me. My devotion to you will never be questioned in sha Allah. And there will be absolutely no sharing of love except with each other I promise."

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