Chapter 76💉

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Zuhayr hugged Muntaha to himself with tearful eyes and patted his back twice. Muntaha chuckled at his uncle.

"Missed me?" Muntaha questioned. Zuhayr could just nod as he separated from Muntaha and looked at his face carefully. "Don't worry I have returned victorious." Muntaha answered his unspoken question. Zuhayr was observing him with utmost love. Muntaha's hair seemed to have grown. His eyes were more deeper and sincere. His smile hid behind it a world of worries. Zuhayr sighed. This is what Jehaan and he were always scared about. Muntaha had never had the time to enjoy his life like a normal boy. He had always had to learn how to fight in every single step.

"Come Ya Walad. You must be tired." Zuhayr said. But behind Muntaha, his men were eagerly waiting to hear from Muntaha. They wanted to hear his voice and speak with him. They had missed him too. Zuhayr chuckled at their faces. Muntaha looked at them and smiled at them. He held Zuhayr's arm.

"You go ahead Amm. I will soon join you. First let me speak with them." He said. A cheer went up in the air as he held his nearest companion and entered the circle of the rest of them to settle down with them and have a conversation.

Zuhayr shook his head with a smile and turned back to go back upstairs. He knew his nephew would take his time and his old bones needed to rest. He returned to the same room he had exited before and settled down on the bed.

Later that night when Muntaha had come back to the room and watched his uncle in a deep sleep he had smiled and taken his own place on the other end of that bed. Tomorrow he had to speak to his uncle about the conditions of Haraira and their next step but today he had to sleep. For the first time in many months, he could sleep peacefully.

Since so many months he was a constant traveller but this safe house was something he had always viewed as his home. This place was special to him in every way. And now returning back here meant returning back to his safe haven. He simply felt like he was himself again.

His mind drifted towards the news he had received a day ago. Taif had reached the capital and was now taking the necessary measures to counter the chaotic situations of Haraira. They had discussed this. He trusted Taif to be smart about it and had given him minimum instructions. He had wanted the innocent people out of the harm's way. They were his people and their safety was his duty so he couldn't sit idly when these people suffered. He also wanted to get at least some idea about what was going on in the Harairan front. His men could give them only some information about Mansoor and Sharr. They simply couldn't put their position there in a jeopardy. So instead he had sent as many shadows as he could with Taif and ordered him to get him the news. Taif was a master shadow. He knew how to be smooth and silent like the wind and Muntaha knew he understood the dire situation of Ghazdaan right now, so he will be careful.

Muntaha turned towards the other side and began thinking about Khaliber. He knew that Hudhud thought Dijar was the one that Sharr wanted to inherit the throne but Muntaha wasn't satisfied. There was something there that didn't quite match. He sighed. He had informed his men and Ismayeel to stay alert but he needed to keep an eye out for that too.

"What has gotten you so antsy?" Zuhayr's voice shook him out of his reverie. He turned towards his uncle who was now watching him.

"Many things." Muntaha replied. "The upcoming war. The plans of Mansoor. The problematic situations in Haraira. The mystery surrounding Sharr." Muntaha began to count them one by one and then fell silent.

"Everything has a time to be sorted out. You can't solve these problems in one night." Zuhayr cajoled him.

"My eyes refuses to close Amm. Each time I do, I can hear countless of people crying out." Muntaha sighed.

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