Chapter 78🛡

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


The valley below shone in the moonlit night. The lake in the middle was reflecting the moon above. All around the forest the frost had laid a thin layer over the leaves and the branches making it shone enchantingly. The falls gurgled as they splashed into the lake. The nature was at it's best that night and yet Sidratul Muntaha's sorrow knew no bounds. She felt lonely. Amiza and Rushi were Allah knew where right then and she couldn't go to meet them for the fear of attracting trouble towards them. Muntaha was busy and not near her. Nazlee was back but busy in Sehrish. Daarim was too guilty to speak. She sighed. Such a beautiful night but no one to share it with.

The whole day she had attended her classes with Zainab, Kaamla and Vareesha. She had then had one on two match with Arsalan and Ajdaan. She had become slightly used to Arsalan, even though his presence infuriated her and made her nervous in equal measures. She hoped that he wouldn't say anything that he had said in Tannoor. And even though he hadn't even alluded towards it until then, his words were still taunts. They were barbed maces striking her heart and making her angry and upset at the same time. She felt like he was taking revenge for his one sided affection. And nowadays his taunts were getting to her but she was not a whiner so she hadn't said a word about it and went on taking his classes because he was good at fighting and thats what she needed to focus on. 

She had to sleep and wake up soon because tomorrow Zainab was going to test her. Kaamla had almost finished training her in jace healing and then she was going to continue with the normal lessons that she had put on hold. Vareesha and she had completed her training but they were practicing daily to make her more adept. Vareesha was also worried about Daarim as he refused to say anything about their impending marriage. He hadn't proposed after returning which they had all assumed he would do.

"Allah. I didn't know life could come to this point too." Sidra whispered to herself.

"Assalamualaikum." She heard behind her and turned in surprise. Nazlee smiled at her softly. She stared for a moment longer and then threw herself at Nazlee.

"Walaikumassalam. Ya Allah I missed you. You didn't even come to meet me." She complained as she sat back on her haunches. Nazlee smiled sadly.

"I apologize. I am really sorry Sidra. I can't let Sehrish be alone at this time. Taqdees was her only family and she is heartbroken on losing her. She keeps crying and she didn't yet get her closure. She hasn't yet found the will to move on." Nazlee explained. Sidra nodded. Even though her sister wasn't dead but she still had lost her in a way. She assumed that her position was much better though because she at least knew that Amiza was alive somewhere but Taqdees wasn't and that made all the difference. Sidra sincerely prayed for Amiza's life then.

"So how was your mission?" She enquired from Nazlee, who looked at her mischievous in a second. She was truly Daarim's sister.

"Why don't you ask me about him?" Nazlee asked. Sidra pushed her away and she laughed good naturedly. "He is fine. He is relieved that you are fine and he misses you badly. Also he is extremely possessive about you." Nazlee told her.

"Hmm." Sidra replied lost in her memories.

"You can do that later! When I am not here." Nazlee reprimanded. She blushed as she returned back to the living.

"I am sorry." Sidra apologized.

"So tell me how your classes are going on!" Nazlee ordered. "I have heard about that handsome man that teach you now. How is he? Is he as fierce as the stories proclaim about him? Is he as strong and as amazing as they make him out to be?" Nazlee gushed. Sidra's heart boiled. She had kept silent till that moment but listening to her friend gush about him was too much. She huffed. Nazlee looked at her in astonishment. "What is the matter? Why do I see anger in your eyes? I have rarely seen you get angry about a person. And you know what? I have heard that he is one of the most down to earth Zawwarians."

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