Chapter 77🩺

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


The valley below was filled with violet flowers. The lush green forest appeared to be dotted by the violet stars from above. The sky above was twinkling like it had come alive with tiny fireflies hovering high. And in between was his perch. He had sat on the cliff and was watching the skies and the land speak the language of the nature. His heart stilled within himself.

The howling wind or the rustling leaves couldn't disturb the peace that had sunk in. Murtaza sighed in oblivion. For the whole day, in fact, from many days now, he was feeling absolutely heartbroken due to the silence of one woman. He had never been affected like this by anyone in his life and yet she was ruling over his emotions. His mother had already read his disappointment in his eyes but had refrained from questioning and given him his space. She was understanding that way.

Was the question he had posed so difficult that she was avoiding speaking with him? For him the matters of heart were very simple. He liked her and had wanted her inclusion in his family. He wanted her smile and he wanted to be the one who wiped her tears. He wanted her problems and he wanted her insecurities. He needed her in his life and wanted all the baggage that accompanied her. He wanted her to trust him and love him. But all he had gotten was silence, heartbreaking silence that undid his confidence in himself.

The whole day he had remained silent and avoided her just like she had avoided him from so long and finally when they reached here, he had asked them to halt for the night and after a temporary camp was created, he had left everything a little behind and climbed the slope and settled himself in this beautiful place, forgetting his grief for some moments.

His whole life was spent in training and making sure that Muntaha understood his role and he understood his. He was a man of few words but loved his family and even though he had learned leadership very well, he had never aimed to rule or prepared for it. His heart though was pure enough to be within the premises of this greed and yet not be swayed by it. If he had but once asked this from Muntaha, his brother would have taken the step back and would have been an enthusiastic second in command but Murtaza had never desired it. What Murtaza desired was to be the backbone of his brother if he swayed on his duty, he wanted to be the shield of his brother when the enemy attacked and he wanted to be the sword of his brother when he attacked. Murtaza was a content soul. He was his own person, safe and happy with the graces he received. But he had desired something and he had desired it very badly. He had wanted a woman who could face the whole world strongly and yet trust him to be there for her. This desire had broken his heart by the enormity of his love for her and her reluctance for it. Maybe if he had known why she wouldn't take her spot in his life, he would have let her go. But she had the right to refuse and she had the right to withhold the reason for her refusal. He had no say in it. He respected her even when he was in discomfort.

"Thinking of something?" The question jolted him out of his reverie. He turned to see Amiza standing some steps away and Marwah was trying to climb up the slope that led to a more beautiful view with Absaar in tow. They were racing. He smiled at their antics and turned towards Amiza who was watching him and turned away once more.

"Have you ever felt like you are asking for just a single wish and it's being denied to you?" Murtaza questioned Amiza. She smiled slightly.

A shadow moved behind them unknown to them both. Rushi had come to call Amiza and Marwah for dinner but had stopped as she heard them. She settled down at her place and began to listen. Their soft voices full of emotions were giving peace to her restless soul. Undoubtedly the two people above were two of the most important people in her life.

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