Chapter 64💁🏻‍♀️

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

Here u go u guys.


Rushi watched the empty room one more time and then inhaled deeply. She had again given up a home to begin another journey. Would she ever find peace? She thought with a melancholy and then wore the leather backpack, which had her meagre belongings. Her eyes closed on their own accord and a lone tear cascaded down her cheek as she evacuated the room.

Her heart was heavy as she took heavy steps towards the inner hall, watching the corridor with a fond expression plastered to her face. She had spent quite a pleasant time here. She had found people she could call her own and she had found something more within these walls, a man who had promised her a future, in clear and beautiful words. She smiled slightly. Some of the knots in her heart were loosening now. They were allowing her to breathe without the constant ache. She felt lighter than she had before.

She reached the inner hall and found Jehaan clasping Raihana to herself as Marwah and a tearful Absaar watched on. She herself felt tearful as she saw Raihana pat Jehaan on her back.

"How do I repay the kindness you have shown me and mine? I will be forever grateful." Jehaan told her sincerely. Raihana shook her head.

"You are Kulthoom's sister. That means you are my sister. You are my family. And family is never a burden Jehaan. Whenever you want my help I will be there. Whenever you need my support I will be there. In sha Allah." Raihana told her firmly. Jehaan cried once more.

"In her friends I see her. I have already lost one of her friends before and I can't lose you. Please come with us?" Jehaan pleaded. Raihana tearfully shook her head.

"This is my land dear sister. This is my place. I lost my world here so I grew it back here. I cannot uproot it." She told Jehaan.

"Jibreel is in Ghazdaan." Jehaan coaxed. "Don't you want to meet him? Don't you want to see how Kulthoom's son look like?" Raihana smiled.

"You think you are so sly? Do not coax me with his name. Someday In sha Allah I will come by and look for myself, what kind of man my sister's son has become! But today is not that day my dear." Raihana told her. Jehaan shook her head.

"They will harm you here Raihana! I will not be peaceful." Jehaan complained.

"No. The Queen won't dare to lay a finger on me. Nor will the prince. By then the king will be back and none of their games will work anymore because I come under his first class protection due to the long standing request of the now departed King Muhammad. The king honors his promises to his dead friend Ya Jehaan and so no one will harm me."

"Won't you reconsider it? For me?" Jehaan questioned again.

"You need me here to keep my eyes and ears open. So do not force me more Jehaan. If Allah wills and whenever He decides is best, He will bring me to you and that land once more. But till then it's a goodbye." Raihana declared. Jehaan sobbed silently and hugged her again.

"You take care of yourself." Jehaan whispered and turned away abruptly. Marwah and Absaar paid their respects to Raihana and she hugged Marwah closely.

"You gave me the comfort of a child for these months." Raihana told her affectionately. "I am grateful to you. And I wish that you stay safe always."

"Jazakallahu khair for everything Aunt." Marwah whispered.

"Waiyyakum." Raihana patted her head and gently and then turned towards Absaar. "Are you sure you want to leave? Think once again. If you want to stay here, you are welcome to."

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