Chapter 42🌫

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Hep me find the mistakes.


The Healing house within the palace of Aileen was a flurry of activity on that night. It was the Eid of Fitar the next day, but the Royal family of Aileen was walking on thorns due to the presence of their beloved heir inside the house. He was gravely injured but wasn't tethering towards any grave results. The injuries were all treated and he was progressing towards recovery too. Yet, the King was apprehensive. The rumors were true afterall.

Before the attack on the crown prince, the king had half a mind to just ignore the rumors and go on like before. But after the attack, it was no longer possible. He couldn't allow his son to die. Yurish was the future of Khaliber. He was the only prince the king trusted to carry on the responsibility. If he was eliminated then Khaliber wouldn't survive and Aavez couldn't let that happen. He had to do something regarding the issue and urgently, because he didn't believe they had enough time to loiter around ideas. They needed a solid plan.

Nuha was sobbing near a window, where her co wives, Alvina and Dariya stood along with her, whispering kind words to her. Dijar was frowning, just outside the door of the chamber his brother was in. The rest of the family were absent. Grevim had retired to his personal palace on the opposite banks of the river and didn't yet know about the attack. Tabish was deep in worship and the sisters were not informed about anything.

On the other side of the corridor, Ismayeel stood with a number of men. They were the same men, who along with the royal guards had arrived when the Prince had blowed on the danger horn. The assassins that had arrived to kill Yurish had escaped when the help had arrived. Yurish was yet to open his eyes. But his guards were awake and being treated for their own injuries. They had spoken about the assassins. Aavez was sure they were none other than the Ghazdanite assassins, who were so famous for their killing tactics. And he was also sure that it wouldn't take them long to try again. He wanted to be ready if such a try was made again.

The crowd of Aileen couldn't know about the attack. If the news of such an attack on the crown prince would leak out then there would be mass panic and outrage, due to Yurish's popularity. It would only help the assassins if the crowd went ballistic.

Some of the men present amidst the guards of Ismayeel were men from Ghazdan, who had arrived some days ago to Ismayeel's place with a request to meet King Aavez and were scheduled to meet him after the celebrations of Eid were done with. Luckily, they were present amidst Ismayeel and his men, as they had arrived in the garden to choose and ready a spot in it, for tomorrow's Eid celebrations of the family, like they did every year. These men, surprisingly were well trained warriors, according to Yurish's guards, raising Aavez's suspicions regarding the purpose of their arrival. But they had still proven to be very helpful in warding off the assassins and for that he was grateful to them. And moreover he kind of trusted Ismayeel and if he was sure that they didn't mean any harm, then he would give them the benefit of doubt.

Aavez averted his eyes from the group of men and watched the door as it opened to reveal an old man, the royal healer, who had been patching up the prince. Aavez sighed and raised his eyes in question. The healer smiled at him.

"He is fine now. You can enter the chamber and meet him yourself my King!" The healer told the King. Aavez was relieved as he patted the healer's shoulder and entered the chamber in haste.

Inside the chamber, the cot on which the prince slept was surrounded by a gauzy curtain. The lamps were lit everywhere around the chamber and a slight incense was lit to ward away the strong smell of the medicines. The windows were shut tightly and boarded up.

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