Chapter 54🌿

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

The picture above depicts the Jace tree. It isn't exactly how I imagine it but nearly the same. Also I don't own the image. I just downloaded it to show you guys.


"Absaar?" Marwah asked in curiosity. "Why were you brought here?"

The boy looked away from Marwah and swallowed thickly. He had shoulder length hair tied behind him with a piece of cloth. He was thin but was just beginning to shoot up. His eyes were filled with pain. His cheeks were a tad short of becoming sallow. In the darkness of the room he looked pale. His lips trembled as he studiously ignored her eyes and question. His tattered clothes gave him a pitiful appearance .

"My name is Marwah." Marwah informed him. He turned so fast that she was scared for his neck. His mouth shot open and a flash of pain passed over his face. He looked down towards the ground and muttered something. Marwah frowned at his unexpected reaction. "Did you say something?" She asked. Years of bossing her brothers around had perfected that tone with which she now enquired Absaar, the tone of blended request and muted order. Absaar looked up with hesitation and dropped his head once more. He appeared guilty.

"I said I apologize." Absaar told her quietly. She huffed.

"You apologize because I am Marwah?" She asked him incredulously. Absaar looked up in surprise and blushed. He knew he sounded silly.

"I apologise because..." He paused. Marwah frowned. "I apologise." He seemed to have changed his mind.

"Yes." Marwah replied forcefully. "We have already established that you are apologizing. I still don't know for what though. This is the first time we met. What do you even have to apologise to me for?" Marwah asked him. Absaar bit his lips as he turned away.

"I am the reason you are in this predicament..." Absaar told her uneasily. She frowned again.

"How?" She asked him cluelessly. She straightened herself and watched him unblinkingly. She had learned the trick from her mother. The level stare if executed correctly, could stop even Murtaza in his tracks. Absaar was just a young boy. He fumbled with words and watched her for a while, opening and closing his mouth for some moments.

"You are really scary. Did you know that?" He asked her as he fidgeted nervously. Marwah's eyes narrowed some more as she eyed Absaar. Her mouth straightened in a tight line. She was without a doubt, a royalty. Absaar looked at anything and everything but her.

"Stop trying to change the subject. It's not working." Marwah told him evenly. His gaze returned to her face.

"I am not!" He refuted her claim. Marwah lifted her eyebrow and Absaar's shoulders sagged. "I am..." He told her quietly. "It's just that I don't know how to tell this to you."

"Whatever you tell me, I assure you I will help you in anyway I can." Marwah told him soothingly. He was dumbfounded and for the first time he looked sceptical of her. She was as helpless as he was in this situation and he really hoped that Marwah wasn't disillusioned to think that she was fine. He wouldn't be able to deal with that guilt along the one he already carried.

"How will you help me? You are a captive too!" He exclaimed. Marwah scoffed.

"What do you think I would do till the people found me? Sit still and cry?" Marwah asked him sarcastically. Absaar frowned at her.

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