Chapter 28🧕

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu. This chapter is extremely short and I apologize in advance.


Two weeks later.

Sidra stood on the top of the mountain and watched the valley below. Her whole existence was revolving around someone else. The mere thought of his departure was enough to make her unbelievably sad. But like he had said... it was necessary. Right now she wasn't even ready to defend herself from her enemies, how would she help him in his war? She had to become his strength before she dared to stand by his side as his partner. She couldn't divert his mind in two directions, just because she couldn't stay away from him. She knew if she had put her foot down, then he would have not refused to take her with him, after all he wished the same thing too, deep within. But instead of behaving childishly, she decided to be mature about it like always and decided to train hard to become her own protector, after her Rabb.

And now that her grief had subsided, she decided that it was time to concentrate on her training once more. She had a long way to go and she couldn't tarry.

Hudhud had returned a week later, but Daarim hadn't. He had accompanied Muntaha to Khaliber. Hudhud had almost immediately began to train his men to their utmost abilities. Something had been decided and the plan was already in motion. All they needed now was to be ready. Sidra had begun to train with the others.

As she stood on the mountain, facing the skies, with the hint of musk and sandalwood surrounding her, she breath deeply and pleadingly faced the heavens. Her heart was running miles per second and she was nervous.

"Ya Rabb Al aalameen. I am but a sinner. I have sinned and I repented. I have sinned again and I repented again. Everytime I went away from You I came back by Your will to You, because to You is our return in the world and the hereafter. I ask of You a forgiveness so huge that it covers my sins along with my loved ones. And I wouldn't have asked this from You if I didn't know that You could fulfill it. But You can fulfill every single prayer I pray and so I pray to You. Forgive me! My Rabb. This dark world is going to swallow me if You do not protect me and keep me safe. And so I ask of You for a protection so wide that it encompasses my loved ones and me. If I would have thought that You are unable to fulfill it, I would have not prayed this to You but I know You are the one who is the best protector of all and so I pray. Protect me! There is a darkness that is around me and it intends to swallow me whole from inside and out and make me bow, but make my spine iron when it comes to bowing to others, so that even if I would weakly, in helplessness, want to bow somewhere apart from You, I would stand tall and unable to bow due the iron spine. Make me the best of Your slaves and make me Yours! Ya Allah, protect the ones I love! My only family... I have given away everything in Your way. So provide me with better in Your way. You have given me a trial to go through. Now I ask from You the strength to fulfill it! My Rabb grant me the strength so I can stand fearlessly in the face of my enemies and battle them till they die or I die. Ya Rabb, doubtlessly You are the best Listener..." Sidra murmured to the dark skies and wiped away a lone tear as it fell.

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