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Dearest readers,

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Today I bring you a sad news. This story is not just being discontinued. It's being deleted. Do not grieve. I heard lectures upon lectures on djinns and I realised that this story is toeing a line that is very dangerous. I began this story because I wanted to induce a fear of Allah, a love for Him SWT in my readers' hearts but there is a danger in here. I may lead you astray due to the very less knowledge I possess on djinns. Astaghfirullah. My dearest readers, when the aim is to please Allah how can I even take the risk of displeasing Him by my words. I love you all a lot. I love this story a lot too because I have put in too much effort in here. But something that I am so unsure about, I can't seem to handle it. I know how displeasing this may be to you. You all can shout and be furious on me. I will take it with no words of defense because I know I am breaking your hearts here. But this is for the pleasure of my Rabb and I cannot seem to get back.

After that is said, I need your opinion on if you want me to write something similar to this story but without the elements of the djinns. If not, then my dearest readers I understand your frustration and fury on me. For those who are wondering about what all is not completed You can think the story ended with Sidra and Muntaha united. Any other requests regarding where this story was going will be thought about and answered accordingly. You can ask questions for your closure. I promise I will respond. But please do not be too upset. May Allah bless us with Hidayah and Siratul Mustaqeem. Aameen.

I am really sorry.

Yours regretfully,

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