Chapter 35⚜️

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Dear Readers, I had told you before too and I will tell you now again. If anyone find mention of djinns, shapeshifting, flying unless it is used as a metaphor or something and also other errors, please point them out to me so I can edit them. I read them before I publish but I have become so used to writing about the general terms of shape shifting etc, that the words appear normal to me and I miss them sometimes. So your help will be appreciated. I could stop this story and re edit everything and re start it much later if you guys want. But that way, my inspiration is lost and I will not be able to re start it and finish it as early as possible. So I am trying to speed everything up. If anyone of you have a problem they are free to voice it out. Also if you find any confusion in the story line pls msg me and I will Clear it for u. That said. Enjoy ahead.

Those readers who are pointing out the errors. Jazakallahu khair. They have been edited. You are being helpful to me.


Layla sat on the window sill with her head resting behind her and her beautiful eyes facing the sky. They were tearful and full of the grief that had previously been unknown to her. Her heart was fractured by the pangs of love that had taken roots in it and refused to let go. Was he an angel or a man? Her heart had refused to forget him. Since she had seen him, his face preoccupied her thoughts.

Her hair was gently playing with the breeze. She sighed for the umpteenth time and got up from her place. Her long gown made up of cotton silk flowed behind her as she walked towards her bed. The whole room was filled with a total darkness and anguish. The walls were emotionally whispering about her state and they appeared to be in a depression too. Her laughter had stopped gracing them since she saw him. His harsh words and actions pierced her heart like a thorn and refused to budge. Now her heart bled tears of blood and she was in pain.

Her family wasn't unaware of her state of mind. Her mother had even requested her father and her brother to speak to the man regarding a possible match between her and him. She knew because she had eavesdropped. But her father and brother had refused muttering something about how it was impossible and how nobody should dream that high. She had been anguished when she had realised that her loved ones felt that she was too low for him. Who was he? A king? He must have been a leader of sort but she was of noble birth too. Then why were they overruling this possibility. Her heart refused to accept defeat.

Layla laid on the bed and began to cry once more at the feeling of burn that had enveloped her heart. She never knew love could be so potent. She wanted to go and declare her love for him and then she would ask him to accept her and then if he never wanted to see her again then it was okay because she still would have been in his nikah. She would have been known as his' in this world and the next. That in itself would have pacified her aching heart. As the wrecking sobs broke through her body, she tried to drown them by fisting her hand in her mouth. Her family would become sad on witnessing this state of hers. She had always been pampered and now when she realised that she couldn't acquire something she wanted, she was breaking apart.

Outside her room, stood two hunched forms with bowed heads. Rufia and Fareez were like Layla's arms. They stayed together always. Without speaking they could understand the state of each other's minds and thoughts. And even though Fareez was very young, she had grown up seeing Layla as happy woman always, now she had become frail and thin. Fareez was scared for her aunt. Layla could barely keep a morsel of food in her stomach. Fareez blamed the scary looking man upstairs for her Aunt's condition but Rufia understood the problem and so she was feeling helpless because she knew there was nothing she could do to help her. Except... She stiffened. Her eyes twinkled. Her friend's tears were going to be accounted for.

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