Chapter 65🎠

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu •

Back so soon? Yes. Because at this point I really I am not able to help my hands🤣. Jokes aside. Jazakallahu khair to you guys for making me want to write. Your comments are very encouraging and entertaining Alhamdulillah. So here you go.


Salwana had packed all her essentials and turned towards Maahim, who was eyeing her two trunks with wide eyes. She gulped when her eyes met Salwana who was watching her expectantly.

"Princess! You do know that we are sneaking out of here and sneaking in the caravan right?" Maahim enquired. "We cannot afford to take so much!" She said but in her heart she wished they could. Maybe then she could take some of these for herself.

"But they are all important things to me." Salwana protested unhappily. Maahim rolled her eyes when the princess had turned to re-evaluate her luggage.

"You can take only some of the clothes and jewelry. The rest can stay here. You won't need this much while we travel. And also you need to travel light. Avoid heavy clothes and wear only those clothes that can make movements easier for you." Maahim explained as she moved forward to help Salwana pick up her clothes.


"I apologize for the inconvenience but it's for your own good." Maahim reiterated. Salwana stamped her foot but in the end they succeeded in packing her luggage into two high quality leather backpacks that Maahim had to sling over her shoulders. In her heart she grumbled at the unfairness of it all but she didn't dare to voice out her dissatisfaction.

Soon Salwana changed into much more comfortable clothes and then walked towards the door behind Maahim. Her heart was filled with joy imagining Jibreel's face. She would soon get to see him and not imagine anything about him ever again. Her eyes danced with excitement as her feet moved forward one step nearer to her beloved.

Maahim smirked within. She was a step nearer to her revenge too. Adara would pay for killing her son and bringing such bad luck to them. And she would finally quench this fire of revenge that had been burning in her heart for too long. It was time to set the wheels of Adara's downfall into motion.


Amiza awaited with bated breath, the arrival of Murtaza. She was aching to get out of this gilded cage that had obscured her freedom. Her heart was leaping out with joy. Soon she smiled when she remembered what Rushi had told her a day before her wedding. Amiza had lost everything in her life, but she was elated that she had atleast one friend who still remained by her side, one sister who was still holding onto her even when she was slipping away.

A tap on the window alerted her of her expected visitor and she smiled widely as she opened the window. Murtaza was taken aback by the happiness shining on her face.

"Assalamualaikum." He whispered as he gestured her to hurry up.

"Walaikumassalam." She replied as she grabbed her backpack hurriedly and looked back towards the empty room and bid adieu to her cage as she climbed out of the vast window, following Murtaza as he began to walk along the ledge. Her heart thundered with the rush of excitement.

Amiza felt like history was repeating itself. She was reminded of the time when she and Adara had snuck out from their home. They had began their adventure in this very fashion and today after so many months, she was repeating the same thing but there was no Adara with her this time. There was only her with a stranger who had become family to her. She smiled. Back then she had thought it was Adara who was guiding her and she just had to follow her sister. But now, she had understood that since the beginning it wasn't Adara but her Rabb who was steering them both. She smiled. When the guidance was coming from the one who had Himself created the ways, then why should she even fear?

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