Chapter 63💀

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu •

Go ahead and give it a try...


Amiza watched as he took two more steps inside and stood before her. She was gaping at him, wondering if her wishful thinking about home and her small mismatched family was making her imagine things. She frowned, pinching herself slowly and yelped when pain coursed through her. Murtaza watched her with amusement. She glared at him.

"Assalamualaikum." He smiled at her. She nodded.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered when she remembered where they were. "How did you come inside breaking the strict protection outside? Did someone see you? Is everything fine? Is Marwah all right? Is Rushi okay?" Amiza fired questions at him while he just smiled at her fondly.

"Calm down, will you?" He answered as he chuckled.

"Calm down? Come on! Please tell me. You don't know how much I have been wanting to enquire about everything, but they don't give out information." She answered him and he felt guilty.

"I am here because I need to speak to you about a plan. Don't worry though, because no one saw me. I am offended that you don't trust my capabilities enough to sneak in through their tight schedules. Everything is fine. Marwah and Rushi are fine." Murtaza replied, then lowered his head. "Saima is dead though." Amiza felt her heart slipping for a second before going into an overdrive. She bit her lips, as pain and grief made their appearance known. Saima was a good friend. Even though she did something Amiza couldn't understand or comprehend, she still was their partner and Amiza missed her. Her teary eyes lowered, as both Murtaza and her thought about Saima.

"I honestly wish she was alive and safe. But we seldom get what we wish for." Amiza whispered.

"I have forgiven her for everything..." Murtaza said. "So has Marwah. But Marwah misses her very much."

"And how is Rushi?" Amiza asked watching him. She was searching for something on his face and she wasn't disappointed. His face lit up like it was the fourteenth night moon. She sighed in her heart. How lucky Rushi was...

"She misses you terribly but she is fine..." He answered her.

"Marwah reached home safely?" She enquired.

"Marwah reached home right after you left but it wasn't because they honored the deal. She reached home because she strived for her freedom..." He replied to her watching her meaningfully. She turned away reading his message very clearly.

"You know that I am not jailed here. I am here due to my own free will." She answered him.

"You are here because they played on your emotions and encaged you here Amiza." Murtaza replied. "If you had chosen the prince yourself I wouldn't have come here Amiza, but I know what they did to get you here and I also know how sketchy this family is. Do not think for even a second that they feel softly for you, cause they don't. So save yourself before they perfect their plans regarding you. Escape before Jaleed returns."

"Are you out of your senses Murtaza?" Amiza whispered frantically. "He will never let me go."

"Yes he won't if you stay here. But if you leave in his absence, he won't be able to do a thing." Murtaza told her.

"And if he still followed me and harmed you all?" Amiza questioned. "I will never forgive myself if that happens."

"Once we are out of Anazirah. His hold over us will weaken considerably."

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