Chapter 107

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

How are you all my dear readers? Hope you like this. Unexpected surprise??

Am I in trouble?

Hopefully you will forgive me😂


Muntaha entered the campsite followed closely by Murtaza and saw the camp in chaos. There were tents on fire and men shouting all around. With the arrival of more of his men, the attackers, who he had no doubt belonged to Jaleed, started abandoning the battle. His men surged forward and began to capture them.

Some of the warriors were trying to put out the fire. Muntaha felt his heart clench. He swallowed with difficulty and ran towards his own tent, hoping upon hope that his Sidratul Muntaha was safe and sound. The thundering heart was causing his trouble breathing. The moment he walked inside his tent, he felt his heart fall silent. He felt like the world had stopped mattering anymore. Trying to suppress the desire to shout in fear and pain, Muntaha ran back outside, in search of someone, anyone, who could give him the much needed answers and clashed with Murtaza, who was himself pale and ashen.

"What? What happened?" Muntaha marveled at how steady his voice sounded, despite the meltdown he was having within.

"Rushi isn't in the tent. And there is blood..." Murtaza felt like the words were sharp and jagged edges of rocks that were causing him pain as he uttered them. "Lots of blood." Murtaza whispered. Muntaha watched his brother going through a similar breakdown and tried his best to pull himself together. He couldn't shatter. Not now. His hayati needed him. He shook his brother. Murtaza watched him with empty eyes.

"Pull yourself together! They maybe in need of us! Search for them!" Muntaha told him firmly. Murtaza's untethered mind was anchored in an instant by Muntaha's firmness. He nodded and turned towards the attackers who were being rounded off in the centre of the camp.

Muntaha began to search the campsite for someone who could provide answers.

"Muntaha!" He heard someone call and turned to see Nazlee hurrying towards him. He began to walk towards her hastily.

"Nazlee? What happened here? Where are Sidra and Rushi?" He asked her just when she reached him. Nazlee bit her lower lip and sniffled.

"Muntaha..." She was at a loss for words.

"Nazlee?" Muntaha was firm this time. Nazlee straightened.

"Muntaha, the Anazirans attacked. Sidra was in Rushi's tent when this happened." Nazlee began shakily. Muntaha felt his blood run cold at her words. He could hear Murtaza's voice echo in his ears. 'There is blood... lots of blood.' He felt his shatter. Whom did the blood belong too? Either scenario was painful and unacceptable. "Prince Jaleed mistook Sidra for Amiza and took her awat. When Rushi tried to put up a fight, Jaleed's man attacked her. Rushi had lost a lot of blood. She wouldn't have survived here. She needed much more then I or any healer can provide. So I sent her back to the safe house with Arsalan. Waiting for you all could have proven fatal for her." Muntaha felt himself deflate at her words. In a span of some hours, their whole world hd turned upside down. Now they didn't know where Sidra was and didn't know if Rushi would survive. Nazlee was sobbing earnestly now. "I am sorry, I tried to heal her to some extent but this is not my area of expertise. Arsalan didn't wanr to abandon Sidra to Jaleed but If he had gone to search for her, Rushi wouldn't have survived. Arsalan is one of the fastest of our riders. I had to send him back with Rushi." She was explaining to him. Muntaha blinked in assurance.

"You did the right thing Nazlee. May Allah save her. None of us saw this coming. You took the course of action best suited for this." He said. Nazlee shook her head.

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