Chapter 88🎈

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

Two more to go. All present?🙂


Amiza was laying on her bed, sleepy and tired but her heart wouldn't let her sleep. She watched as Rushi exited the chamber, but didn't follow her because she wanted to be alone. Her life had been taking curvy paths, winding through the troubles of life and finally she had reached a place she could call her own, a place where her sister was present and yet the happiness she felt was overshadowed by the fear of nearly losing her sister.

Amiza's life revolved around Sidra. Even in her absence, Amiza took inspiration from her and now when Sidra was finally back to her, Amiza still couldn't be there around her. Sidra was the only person who knew Amiza inside out and still loved her with all her flaws and imperfections. She was also the only person who had been carried over to Amiza's new life from her old one. Losing her once had been too terrifying for Amiza and she wasn't so strong to lose her once more. To her, it would be devastating... downright destructive. She sighed and finally allowed her lids to close in on her eyes.

Amiza watched keenly from behind a wall, as Laiba laughed at something her friends had said. She made a face at the pretty girl. Amiza was ten and Laiba was thirteen, Adara's age. Amiza had colored her face black with coal and was hiding beneath a cloak.

Earlier that week, Laiba had gotten her sister in trouble, as Adara studied while peeping inside a classroom full of boys. Laiba had tattled on her sister, getting Adara punished for the whole day. Adara had waved it off because to her this was a normal routine, but Amiza hadn't forgotten and she wouldn't forget it so easily either. Adara was very dear to her. The behavior of her family with Adara was also the other reason why Amiza had become so protective of her. Amiza was the only who cared. So as she stood watching Laiba, she came up with various plans of revenge. It had been nearly a week and she hadn't yet succeeded. Adara was unaware of what she was upto.

Laiba said something to her friends and then waved at them before she began to walk away towards the well to fill her pot. Amiza tiptoed behind her, keeping her in sight but being at a distance.

The afternoon was hot and the people were all in a deep siesta. She watched around to see the well was quite abandoned at the time. Smirking to herself, Amiza hooded her face and slowly made way behind Laiba. When she reached the girl, she gently called her name. Laiba turned and watching someone in a cloak, frowned. Amiza raised her head and lifting the hood by some inches smiled. For Laiba, the sudden vision was frightening. She dropped her pot and with a scream, she fainted. Amiza guffawed.

"Never ever hurt my sister again." She muttered. The scream though had attracted attention and she heard footsteps. Within the wink of an eye, she had rushed away behind the nearest house. She began to run in the direction of her home. But her amateur plan hadn't covered the efficiency of her villagers. They had already roused Laiba by sprinkling water and had enquired from her about the incident. Now they were thoroughly searching for her and she was quite a long way from home, with many people in between. She huffed and watched the street deciding to make a run for her home, when someone firmly held her shoulder. She felt her heart in her throat as she turned and then sighed when her eyes met that of Adara's.

"Ada! How did you get here?" Amiza whispered in surprise.

"That's not important. Remove your cloak." Adara ordered firmly. She watched her sister in confusion.

"Do as I say Ami." Adara said again. Amiza frowned but did as she was ordered. Adara wore her cloak and then tubbed her hands over Amiza's face before covering her own face with coal. Amiza was astonished. When Adara's face was thoroughly blackened, she watched Amiza sternly. "The moment they get busy with me, make a run for home and wash your face." Adara told her and before Amiza could react she ran in the opposite direction to their home. Amiza was rooted to her spot as she watched her sister being chased through the street and finally being captured. She did as she was told though.

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