Chapter 80☘️

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Vareesha was sitting on top of the mountain that overlooked the forest outside of the little valley of Qamar. Her heart was unusually heavy. She had just witnessed the spear fighting lesson of Daarim and Sehrish. Since many days she had heard about the classes between them and had wanted to reprimand Sehrish for the way she was hogging his time. He wasn't her's after all. She was someone who had in the past showed open possessiveness, yet this display of proximity between the two of them were overloading her senses and making her anxiously silent.

She should have trusted her man but something was haunting her after she had witnessed Daarim's eyes as he instructed Sehrish. His eyes were soft and when they moved over her face, they behaved like a lover's fingers were caressing it. Vareesha had felt the fire burn in her chest and devour the harsh words she had for Sehrish. How could she say anything to her when Daarim himself was behaving so weirdly.

Daarim hadn't yet spoken about marriage or at least a Nikah that he had wanted so much before he had departed for Aileen. It was as if he had forgotten about their relationship. She sighed as unwanted tears pricked her eyes. Her heart was breaking apart due to his behavior. Why couldn't he just speak to her for once? He had never been this difficult before. She heard shuffling behind her and turned slightly to see the man in question climbing up. She huffed and stood up to go to her hut, when he held her hand stopping her.

"Let me go Daarim." She mumbled. He tightened his hold and pulled her to stand before him. She looked away.

"Why did you leave so abruptly from there? I saw you there." Daarim questioned. Vareesha blinked her eyes and looked at him for a moment.

"Daarim what I am saying to you now, I need you to listen to me and think about it before you reply." Vareesha told him gently. She pushed the hurt deep in her heart and very practically began to speak. "Look! I really love you Daarim. I do. And I want to stay my whole life with you as your lawfully wedded wife." She told him. He blinked. His heart was sinking in a pit by the way she was speaking. "You spoke to me about a Nikah before you left. Our Nikah. And then when you returned, you want to avoid me and this topic altogether. I love you a lot but if for some reason you don't want me or this wedding, just say so and I will understand."

"Why are you saying this?" Daarim asked her. He had retracted his hand respectfully.

"I saw you teach Sehrish. I just want to know if you have some feeling for her in your heart. Daarim! I can read you very well. You can hide those eyes from the world but to me they speak. And when you see her they speak of more than affection. Do you love her?" Vareesha questioned. Daarim stiffened. Her face was void of any hurt but her eyes spoke to him too and right now they were speaking of heartbreak.

"Don't you trust me that whatever might happen in my whole life, whatever may go down, whoever may arrive, the one I love will always be you." Daarim replied. Vareesha smiled sadly.

"I have my answer." She whispered and began to turn. His heart plummeted. He hadn't denied her assumption. He couldn't. But... His heart lurched. He called out to her urgently stopping her. She was crying. He sank to his knees. What had he done? He had broken his warrior to such an extent that the ever tough woman was crying before him?

"Haven't you heard what I said? I love you. So much that the very thought of you leaving is killing my heart. So much that your tearful eyes is hurting my soul. Vareesha! I can have affection for her because for my sake her sister gave her life away. I can have affection for her because of how much she adores me. But love? I promise you, my very soul thrums on the sound of your heartbeat. I didn't ask you about nikah because of the shroud of guilt that had covered me. Even now I hesitate because of a mission Hudhud might send us to. But I cannot wait anymore. As much as you have waited for me I have waited for you too. And I don't want to wait again." Daarim gently told her. "Will you put me out of this misery and agree to come in my nikah?"

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