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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

When I began this book, I just started it without any particular way ahead. The scenes and words just came to me one chapter at a time. It just opened it's own way. I bear witness that every mistake in here was mine and every shiver and goosebump you may have felt in this journey due to the words that induced fear and love of Him, was from Him. I am but a slave. I wrote this story as a mark of my love for Him. And I erased as a mark of my fear for Him. And now I am rewriting as a trust that I have on my Rabb that what we let go for Him is always less than what He recompenses us with.

This book will witness a new journey and I hope with full fervor that you love it as much as you have loved it always. The story is going to hang in there till we reach that point again. But I promise you, throughout the journey, I will try my beat to make it more enjoyable for you, in sha Allah.

The level of support and love you all have shown me, blows my mind. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that any writer can have such loyal and supportive readers that do not let me feel low. You all wanted me to continue the same story. I cannot continue it as it was, but I can tweak it and rewrite it again so we can reach the end of this journey without any doubts of reading or writing something displeasing to our Rabb. I hope you are patient through it though.

Lastly I want to tell you that what I wrote wasn't actually considered wrong. I stopped it because I have too little knowledge about djinns and I am scared of writing something that may be considered wrong through the islamic perspective. And even though this story have taken me years to bring till here, I still cannot regret me stopping the direction it was taking because I decided it was for my Rabb. And what I do for Allah doesn't make me cry or hurt. Yes I was feeling a little upset but the reason I did was a support from my Rabb in itself. So my dearest and loyal readers, do not worry about me. I won't stay down or cry. That's not how I function. It happened but it is now a done deal and there is no point in mulling over it. My love for Allah just has to be much greater than anything. Instead I have decided to write this again but in this same book. Stay tuned here. Because soon In sha Allah, chapters will flow and the story will begin and finally when we reach the point we stopped, you will all get your answers.

Love you all a lot. Jazakallahu khair for supporting me and Alhamdulillahi Rabbilaalameen for everything.



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