Chapter 24💕

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu my dear readers

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu my dear readers.
I hope you like this chapter.
Here you go...☺


Hudhud and Muntaha stood on the mountain and watched the snow capped peaks outside the valley. Muntaha sucked in a breath. It was too pure and beautiful reminding him of someone he knew. He smiled at the thought and then sobered up immediately. He had work to do right now.

"So when are we supposed to meet Abdul Hakeem for discussing the scroll?" Muntaha enquired.

"Tomorrow." Hudhud answered.

"You said you had information for me."

"I do. It's regarding a man called Sharr. My spies have actually seen him go back and forth to the tribe of sorcerers again and again. I am sure he actually suspects that he is being tailed and hence is being more careful regarding his moves now. Also we know he practices some procedures from the book of the magic that enables him to gain assistance of the devils to accomplish his own aims." Hudhud told Muntaha, who was frowning. "He had once been a normal man supposedly but had then ventured into the dark forest in your father's reign to escape some punishment. He returned just some years ago and his whole character had been turned over. Something happened with him in that dark forest and his whole character changed. What? we don't know yet..."

"So what do you suggest we do about him?" Muntaha asked.

"Right now you set him aside and concentrate on the other aspects of your plan. Without knowledge we can't do anything and so I will make sure we have the required knowledge before we strike him." Hudhud replied. "I will have my spies poke around in the dark forest for some answers, you don't worry!"

"But going to the dark forest, the sorcerer's land is actually too dangerous, is it not?"

"We are Reehans. We have been taught to hndle them. If needed, we will take the assistance of the tribe of Zawwar. They are near. We will be fine..."

"What do you think is his story?"

"I have suspicions but nothing that I can say for sure." Hudhud said gravely. "When do you want to leave for the safe House?"

"In a couple of days. When Kaamla deem my wound as okay, I will go to the safehouse. I think Amm have already reached the safe House and he must be getting worried!"

"Let the old man stew for a while." Hudhud joked. Muntaha shook his head and smiled fondly at Hudhud. Hudhud and Zuhayr were too good of friends and he didn't speak between them. "Have you thought of what needs to be done in Khaliber?" Hudhud asked.

"I have..." Muntaha responded vaguely.

"How is the Harairan mission coming along?"

"Just as it needs to be." Muntaha replied. Hudhud nodded his head.

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