Chapter 94

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Tabish was in a thawb again. His turban was set firmly upon his head. In his hand, he carried the Quran. Today was going to be a lecture day in one of the mosques of Aileen. His steps were slow but confident. When he moved, it looked like he was flowing. The people parted for him and made way for him as they lowered their heads a little. He was their prince, yet his respect wasn't due to his status but due to his words. He had made his place in their hearts by his actions.

The mosque of Karamah was a beautiful mosque set up on the slope of mountain of Arvi. It was frequented by the commoners of Aileen. It was here that Tabish was supposed to give lecture in today. He went inside and sat beside the Imam, speaking softly and respectfully. His actions were in accordance to the characters preferred by the ancestors of the deen.

Tabeeb bin Bariz was also someone who attended all the lectures of Tabish. He had heard that Tabish was giving a lecture in the mosque that day and he had strove to attend it. With him, he carried a stack of papers and a wooden qalam and ink that he hd placed in his small side bag. His close acquaintances knew of his hero worship of Tabish. He watched Tabish with eyes that shone with trust.

The mosque was filled to the brim by the people. There were many commoners and some who were not. Tabish moved his eyes around the mosque and his eyes shone as they found many pairs that he recognized closely. He smiled.

The Imam beside him was speaking animatedly about his topic of today. He smiled and answered many questions. The Imam was convinced of his words and praised him highly for them. Tabish just lowered his head in modesty. Out of all his brothers, he was the least interested in the politics of Aileen. He remained far from the throne and it's attractions. Each of his brother had support and backing, they had their talents and he had his words. His words could enchant even the strongest of men and move their hearts.  If he would ever stand for position one day, the whole Aileen would support him, but for him that didn't matter.

Soon, the Muaddhin called out the iqamah and the Imam moved to the front to begin the prayer. The words were flowing beautifully. The Salah finished soon and then the Imam announced Tabish's name. The whole crowd cheered as Tabish ascended the pulpit and greeted them. They greeted him back and settled down to listen.

Tabeeb hastily took out his stack of papers and paused his pen over the first paper, listening and waiting. He couldn't miss even one word of the lecture.

Tabish looked around the mosque in a cursory glance and found it satisfactory. He coughed twice to clear his throat and begun his lecture with name of Allah and sent the peace upon our Prophet. He then started talking in a very calm and collected voice.

"O my People! O People of Aileen! Islam is a deen of peace. It is a religion chosen and sent down in perfection by the Most High. Islam is the deen which guides it's followers in each and every cycle of life." He said gently. His voice echoed in the silent mosque and each person began to drown in his words. His very voice brought them peace. Their hearts calmed down and their minds began to follow his words. Tabeeb's qalam moved with a speed that could challenge the wind. His keen eyes observed the man before him. His ears were sharply listening to what Tabish was saying. He couldn't afford to miss anything.

"My People! The world today is filled with obstacles for the mu'min. It is filled with fitna. The dunya has become a kin to a vice of attraction which pulls the people in it's lure and destroy their aakhirah. The greed of the world is a very dangerous thing. It can reduce the kings to puppets and it can turn a man's heart from good to evil. The dunya and it's greed has brought emperors to their knees. My people! Beware of the greed. Beware of everything that can pull you towards this life and turns you away from the aakhirah." Tabish was speaking and the men in the mosque were softly nodding their heads. Some of them already had wet eyes. "Our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahualaihi wasallam had warned us that a time would come upon this ummah where the best believer would be the one who lives in the mountain pass and leave the people alone. The time my brothers has already come." Tabish shook his head sadly. Tabeeb's hands shook slightly on the paper but he was in control the very next moment. The slight confusion in his eyes had been cleared away. "There are fights going on in the world for the acquisition of the throne. Even in Aileen and also in the world outside, the war for power has begun. But is this what we should strive for? No! We should strive for the best ibadah. We should withdraw within ourselves and leave the world alone, so we can all escape the fitnah of wealth and power. Instead of choosing the dunya and it's lures learn to choose the safe method. Dissociate yourselves from everything and seek shelters in the name of your Rabb. Turn away from this struggle." Tabish advised the men. Tabeeb's forehead creased for a single moment and then cleared out as a smile replaced the frown. His eyes shone of trust. "My brothers! The best man is the one who is the best with their families. So be there for them. Spend time with them. Marry more and more so you could get more offsprings who can spread the deen and also pray for you after you are gone. This is the right way. Do not desert your people for struggle for the dunya." Tabish declared. He then spoke more about the fitnah around the world and then soon stopped. He asked anyone if they had any questions.

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