Chapter 70😂

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Two months after the battle.

Sidra was really glad that she could at least move without causing too much pain now. Her wounds were recovering. She had even come to terms with Raabel's care even though she became speechless at times, because she had never felt so cared for in her entire life. Vareesha stayed with her sometimes, speaking to her about whatever she could at that moment.

"If Kaamla was able to come, you could have been much further on the road of recovery." Vareesha told her.

"Aren't there many healers like her in the tribe of Zawwar? After all it's a large tribe." Sidra enquired.

"There are many healers in Zawwar but none as capable as Kaamla. She didn't become a head healer by being the second best you know." Vareesha replied.

"Hmm that's true. By the way, why couldn't Kaamla come?"

"Kaamla avoids travelling if she can. It's not very feasible to her."

"Even if she is needed very badly?"

"Only in the situations where no one but her can handle it, does she travel."

"Oh... Where is Daarim? Has he recovered?" She asked Vareesha.

"Daarim is highly weakened even if he says otherwise and runs around. The jace wound on his shoulder was thankfully treated hastily so he could survive. Or else..." Vareesha stopped, even though Sidra knew what she was about to say. 'Or else Daarim would have gone, just like Taqdees did.' She sighed.

"Why doesn't he take rest?"

"Do you think Daarim could rest? He was adamant on going back to Muntaha. I had to warn him about that to stop him." Vareesha huffed. Sidra smiled.

"You love him a lot, don't you?" She enquired.

"So much that his wounds hurt me more than him. I am a warrior and my whole family had been warriors. All of them died on the battlefields. None have ever gone the natural way. Death and martyrdom are not new subjects to me and yet, yet the thought of something hurting him, tortures me. If something happens to him, then I will not be able to survive. He is a necessity. In my boring routine life, Daarim is my only colour." Vareesha whispered. Sidra nodded. "When he almost died, I realized that by postponing our marriage, I have done something stupid. I should have become his wife, when he had asked me so nicely back in the valley." Sidra chuckled.

"You can still get married here Vareesha." She consoled her.

"I don't know why, but I feel the time to get married has now passed."

"That's just the nervousness speaking. You were so close to losing him that you are feeling all kinds of fears." Sidra assured her.

"I hope that be the case." Vareesha said.

"You never told me how the both of you became fiancées."

"Daarim was always the one making me loosen up in tight situations. He made me feel alive. So I started liking him. He supposedly fell for my ability to keep him in check." Vareesha smirked.

"Supposedly?" Sidra wondered.

"That's how Daarim terms it, but I feel I scared him into this." Vareesha told her secretively. Sidra began to laugh freely and then yelped as her stitches were pulled on harshly by her laughter.

"I love the hold you have over him. You will have to teach me that someday."

"Why? Your prince is already in your hold. You don't need any of this." Vareesha said. Sidra fell silent. Muntaha would be so upset because of her. For the first time since she had decided to come here, she felt upset at herself for making him worry. Yet what she did had to be done. Now she knew she had to train some more.

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