Chapter 72🤲🏿

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

This chapter is a bonus chapter dedicated to our ummah. Please read it carefully and ponder upon it.


Faris looked around him with tearful eyes that were shielded from others due to his helmet. His men were spread out amidst the Harairan soldiers causing havoc in the masses. They were strictly ordered to help the masses without blowing their cover.

Haraira was one of the most well planned cities ahead of it's time. The city had been divided according to the masses after the fall of King Muhammad. The ones who agreed with Mansoor, they were awarded high ranks and statuses, while the ones who protested were pushed to the edges of the city and persecuted if they protested openly. The ones who refused to take sides, were left as the middle class.

The rumors were adrift regarding a revolution, a rebellion coming to Haraira soon and the almost dead protests had begun once again. The rumors had provided the protestors, the courage that was required to stand up for the unjust government of Haraira. Mansoor had hiked up the taxes and ordered the dwellers of the edges, to come and swear their fealty to him. He had openly declared that there was going to be new rule and new worship from henceforth and the ones who were not going to bow down their heads to this rule, will have no place on his land.

The ones who supported Mansoor had now begun to harass the dwellers of the edges. They had openly beaten up the worshippers of One Lord, burnt their houses and livelihood. They had laughed and cheered as they desecrated the houses of the mu'mins, unafraid of the punishment that was sure to follow such brutality.

Since many days, Haraira was burning. The cries of the oppressed were shaking up the skies. Their tears were drowning the city. Women were being pulled by their hair and were groped in public. The men who were brave enough to declare their loyalty to their Lord, were being beaten up. Their homes and properties were targeted throughout the cities and were being destroyed, while the ruler laughed within his four walls. All around Haraira, was the rule of destruction, chaos and pain. Nowhere was safe and nothing was sure.

Throughout the history of Islam, whenever the believers were persecuted so harshly, there arose a time when the cries of the believers, when their pain and tears would call upon the wrath of their Lord, which rained destructive punishments upon the oppressors. The punishments were so intense and harsh that the world would tremble in fear as the very sign of the existence of such civilizations were wiped away, leaving behind them just some ruins and sometimes not even that.

The truth was, oppression had reigns, only till the Most High interfered. He gives them some time, some respite to allow their account of deeds to be filled with brutality, so that there isn't a way to turn back for them ever again. Such was the fates of Namrood, Firoun or Qaroon. But when He interfered, they disappeared and left behind them only signs for the future generations, so that they could learn of the Rabb and His ways. The same thing was happening in Haraira.

The people who refused to cooperate were separated from their families, member by member, and put in different open prisons, where they were re-educated on the government's terms. Children were pulled away from their mother's laps so they won't learn their deen. Haraira was making the land a prison for the people and the people wanted to rebel.

Faris had already sent a message to Muntaha and was waiting for instructions now, hoping that the situation would calm down and he wouldn't have to fight his conscience each time he witnessed the people being persecuted so brutally. He held his fellow soldier's hands as they descended upon a woman and pierced him with his own sword. He waved the woman away, hoping that she would be saved.

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