Chapter 44🖤

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Somwthing new and something old. Do read.


King Aavez replied back weakly to the young man standing before him and impatiently waved Dijar off, when he tried to ask Aavez something. He was yet to remove his gaze off the young man in the white cloak. His whole countenance was that of fear with a hint of... guilt. He bit his lips and nodded to himsef absentmindedly, lost in a place only he could see.

"Please Ya Ismayeel join me in the conference room, with your esteemed guests. I will entertain them right now with a meeting for the favor they have done on me." He declared while watching the white cloaked man. Ismayeel bowed. Aavez took a last glance at the reflection of his past mistake and walked away towards the mentioned conference room. Dijar frowned and watched the white cloaked man for some seconds, before he too followed his father down the corridor.

Muntaha smiled a slight smile, as he turned outside through the large balcony like window. His eyes darted around the forest that surrounded the palace. Ismayeel respectfully watched him.

"Come on Ya Amm..." Muntaha whispered as he turned from the window towards the direction the King had disappeared to. Ismayeel led the way. Razmil followed them, while the rest stood where they were, respectfully.

The corridor, on one side had large windows, carved from marble and the other side had paintings and beautiful lanterns hanging from the wall. The paintings were of the different views of Aileen and of scenic beauty of Khaliber. They were quite expensive and precisely painted. The lanterns too, were studded by a ruby each.

Ismayeel led Muntaha to a room, which was left open for the meeting. Dijar stood outside the room and watched Muntaha with a scowl. Muntaha had already lowered his hood and was not clearly seen. Muntaha entered first and then was followed by Razmil and Ismayeel, who stood behind him.

Aavez was alone in the room, facing a large window. His eyes were focussed faraway. His posture was stiff and hands were held behind his back. His stance was straight and strong. Muntaha removed his hood from his face once more and waited.

After what seemed like hours Aavez finally acknowledged them and signed at Ismayeel to close the door. Ismayeel did as was told and took his place once more. Aavez faced Muntaha once more and settled on a chair facing him. He gestured Muntaha to sit.

"I prefer standing." Muntaha declared. Aavez frowned but remained quiet.

"I am grateful to you for saving my son O stranger! You have fone the house of Aavez a favor today." Aavez told him emotionally. Muntaha nodded but didn't comment. Aavez focussed on his face and frowned in confusion. His eyes were questioning, while his face looked like he had aged years on that very night. "Years ago... I had seen a face just like yours. You remind me of him. Yet you are so very different. Could it be that you know him too?" Aavez pondered.

Muntaha faced Aavez silently. He knew what Aavez was on about. Aavez had seen his father many times when Muhammad was alive. They had been allies. But Muhammad was like summer. He was warm and so very joyful. Whereas the man that stood before Aavez was like a cold and harsh winter. The eyes of this man could chill anyone, when he turned towards them in anger. This man had put him in a melancholy just by being present. So similar to Muhammad yet so different.

"I am called Muntaha of Ghazdaan, O King of Khaliber! And I have come here with an alliance..." Muntaha told him firmly. His eyes didn't betray his thoughts and his voice was strong and steady. Not from any angle did he appear to be a common man. The way he conducted himself with Aavez, it appeared like a king was in the presence of another. "I am a rebel to the rule of Mansoor in Ghazdaan. I do not follow his transgressions. I do not believe in his ideologies and I thwart his plans. That is who I am O King of Khaliber." Muntaha watched Aavez as he digested this information. There were doubts and fears in his old eyes as they connected with Muntaha's.

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