Chapter 74🦩

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Raabel looked at her face for a long moment. That face which was carved from Hareem's trust and Asad's courage. She tearfully watched Sidra as the latter bid adieu to Reem and other women of the palace. She felt her heart still. The little girl who was their princess, who was the last living evidence of a phenomenal romance between two people who loved each other and were in love with their Rabb, was now a grown woman who was fighting battles of her own. She had a purpose and she had a life. She had come to her own legacy without anyone except her Rabb guiding her. Raabel blinked her eyes to stop them from shedding tears. She sighed and watched as Sidra came to stand before her, and watched the latter with pride.

"Assalamualaikum." Sidra began quietly. Her demeanor was almost hesitant. "Maybe we will meet again and maybe we won't. I just want to tell you that all these weeks, what you have been doing for me, was appreciated. Jazakallahu khair. Please forgive me if I have upset you." Sidra told her humbly. She smiled slightly.

"May Allah be with you always, Princess." Raabel told her softly. Earlier when she had heard Ajdaan and Daarim speak about Sidra's departure, she had become very upset, but she couldn't put Sidra in danger and Sidra wasn't safe here. Sidra had to go back to the valley and she had to accept it. She wondered how mothers bid their daughters a good bye when their daughters departed after their weddings. She didn't have daughters, she only had sons, but she had always counted Siham as her own. Now as she departed from her, she understood the pain of a mother. How could any mother let this woman go? She was the coolness of the eyes and calmness of the soul. Watching her gave Raabel peace. She felt truly content to observe that Allah had helped her daughter and that Sidra didn't need anyone except their Lord.

Sidra smiled at her and nodded. Her heart was heavy because this woman had somehow made this lofty mansion akin to a home for her. Was this how a daughter felt when her mother cared for her? Then how does any daughter let her mother go? This was a blessing in itself and she had been deprived of this amazing feeling of being loved by her mother since such a long time. She had grown without it and always adjusted herself, but now when she had a taste of that same feeling, she felt heartbroken. Why had Ratfa never placed a hand on her forehead and checked if she was warm? Why hadn't she ever swathed her in blankets and scolded her for being careless? Why had Ratfa never looked at her like Raabel was looking at her now? Why had being watched by Ratfa felt like a taunt within itself and Raabel's eyes felt like they were nurturing her just with a glance. She sighed. Raabel looked at her like Amiza sometimes did. The difference was Amiza's glance hadn't ever felt this effective. Amiza was the affection personified in her life but Raabel? Within some weeks Raabel had silently become that feeling which calmed down her crashing soul. She didn't even have a name for this. What could she tell this woman before her? That she wanted Raabel to forever be beside her? She would look silly. So she smiled at Raabel instead and tried to speak her feelings through her eyes, before she silently took steps towards a waiting Vareesha. Vareesha extended her hand and Sidra grasped it firmly, while she glanced back towards Ajdaan, who was supposed to join them within some days, and smiled at him. He watched her with pride. Her eyes then turned towards Raabel, who was watching like she would soon collapse. She smiled at the woman assuring her silently. Raabel blinked once to accept her assurance.

Sidra then looked around the palace, which appeared regal, as she stood in the courtyard ready to depart. She felt dwarfed by its presence. She felt pinpricks of awareness slither through her spine, but when she looked around she found no one. She bit her lips and shrugged mentally as she turned towards Vareesha and nodded softly. Vareesha gave a nod of confirmation and within a second lifted her on the horse, as she urged the animal forward.

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