Chapter 89⛈

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

What are your favorite duas from the quran and Sunnah? Or just generally what is the dua you tend to ask the most from Allah? Please come forth dear readers. I want all of you to answer. Love y'all.

One more to go.


"What!?" Muntaha exclaimed in alarm. He was startled beyond belief. He watched her with wide eyes and when he found her face blank of any feeling, his heart began to sink. Wondering if she had hurt her head or if it was a side effect of her medicines, he placed his hand on her cheek and swallowed. He began to panic.

She watched him with innocence as he swallowed his grief, and then slowly smiled at him. She placed her hand on his cheek and lifted his downward face. He watched her smile at him and narrowed his own eyes.

"Assalamualaikum Jibreel..." She whispered. His heart thudded with life once again.

"Were you trying to scare me Sidra?" He asked in anguish. She lost her smile and lowered her eyes as he scoured her face inch by inch for an answer.

"That was very insensitive of me. I apologise." She whispered guiltily.

"Insensitive?" Muntaha laughed sarcastically. "Do you even know what I am going through since you disappeared? I am burning. My heart is shattering with every breath I take. And each time I think about how I failed you, I cannot help but blame my incompetence for it. Sidra... I cannot live without you anymore. Watching you hurt and bleeding, watching you almost dead with all the hopes lost, was one of the most cruelest tortures I have ever been subjected to. And then after almost an eternity, you wake up and pretend to not recognize me? Do you know what I felt? I felt hopeless. Sidra that wasn't insensitive of you. That was cruel." Muntaha whispered and got off the bed.

Sidra was tearful as she watched him stand and take a step away. She shot up and with a hiss of pain, held his hand, stopping him from walking away. Before she could utter a word though, he had turned in shock at her sudden movement and made her lay back down on the bed as he himself sat near her with his hands on her shoulders. She watched him with apologetic eyes.

"You are right. That was very stupid of me. I didn't think about how much you might be upset. I just saw you and all I wanted to do was have a little fun. I didn't realise what you would feel." Sidra whispered to him as she raised her hands and cupped his cheeks. "I am sorry. Please forgive me?" She pleaded. He watched her sincere eyes and his heart calmed down. Just as he was about to respond, he saw her wound which had begun to bleed due to her movements and reprimanded himself for his actions. She seemed to be ignorant of her wounds being reopened and was watching him expectantly.

"Sidra! You are bleeding." Muntaha whispered in pain. "I need to get Farasha here as soon as possible." He tried to walk away but she held his hand once more. "Sidra we need to dress your wounds up. We will speak later."

"Jibreel..." She called out. "Till you do not forgive me, you cannot walk away."

"Sidra do not behave so childishly! We need to get you sorted."

"I am sorted! You can take a look at it yourself if you are so worried. I don't even feel any pain. It may be a minor opening. Just redress it and we will be fine." She told him. He shook his head but walked back towards her. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Do you think I can even stay upset at you for long Sidra? If I wouldn't have been so stressed about you, I would have laughed at that one. But I was living a nightmare since you disappeared and your joke just hit me hard. I apologize for behaving so agitatedly. I reopened your wounds." He said gently and slid his hand along hers, lifting it and placing a gentle kiss on her palm. She smiled softly.

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