Chapter 108

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Urm... Surprise?

A treat to all my favorite people, my dear readers❤️
Thank you for being so sweet and patient. I appreciate your comments, likes and the unshakable support in me. I also appreciate your kindness and you all standing by me since years. Thank you for being my own little SM family. You all are wonderful💐💐



Sidra gulped. Her legs trembled. Her hands shook as she held jahad. Behind her Jaleed had forgotten all his enmity with her and was watching the wolves with worried eyes. Sidra groaned. Why were there wolves suddenly? Then she berated herself. It was a forest. Of course there would be animals. Should she just climb the tree and escape them? She was about to follow through with her thought, when she stiffened. Jaleed was wounded. He wouldn't be able to run and save himself. And he was bleeding. If she moved, he would be attacked and even killed.

A part of her told her that he was anyways wounded by jace. He would most probably die anyways. But she couldn't bring herself to leave him be despite all the hurdles between him and his life. She had to try. She couldn't bear to let some righteous man loose his child when she could try to save them. She couldn't bear to be vengeful enough when fate gave her a chance to avenge her sister's pain. So she stayed put right there and lifted her chin as she faced the wolf... a challenge. The wolf narrowed his eyes and growled. She flicked Jahad into her spear and put all her trust on her Rabb. Her life has always been in her Rabb's hand. If her death was destined here, then she would die here and no amount of running away could save her. But if life was destined for her then she would emerge alive on the other side of this ordeal. She exhaled all her worries away. Something told her to take her chance. She whispered a quick prayer and readied herself for battle.

"Are you deranged? Get away from here!" Jaleed growled behind her. She paid him no heed. Jaleed huffed wondering why he was trying to keep her safe. Was it because she was Amiza's sister? Was it because there was something in her that wanted him to make sure she remained unharmed. "You cannot fight them. If there was one, it might have been even possible. But there are almost five of them and I am of no help to you. You would better let them be and run away."

"You do not run away from a wolf. It sees you as a prey then. You look them in the eye, straighten your spine, brandish your weapon and smile fiercely at it while you beckon it with your dagger. Then you become the predator and they become the prey." Sidra told him as she followed her own directions and as the wolf growled again, she ran towards it with a war cry. She wasn't going to be intimidated by a wolf! She had many more fearsome fights to fight in the future. She wasn't some delicate flower that was born to look pretty. She was the sturdiest tree of the woods. The storm wouldn't break her. Her determination became her third and the most important weapon as she dashed towards the foremost wolf and jumped just before she reached it and embedded her spear in it. The wolf collapsed with a howl. She landed on it as she stood and faced the other four who had paused in surprise.

Jaleed was just as much surprised as he watched her. What had just happened? He had seen bravest of men tremble before wild beasts and today he saw a young woman face one and survive. But would she be able to fend the other four off? Would he be able to live and tell the tale? He gasped as he felt pain shoot up his nerves. He must have groaned because Sidra stiffened.

Sidra knew he was loosing time. She was irritated at him. Did he have to self harm? His move had proven to be too dangerous. The wolves began to circle her slowly as they began to box her in. She remained still. They were instinctual and could smell fear. She wanted to be prepared. As two of them lunged towards her, she twirled and hit the nearest one with her spear. The wolf whined but got up in a second and rushed towards her once more. She flicked Jahad into a sword and took support of the nearest wolf as she embedded her sword into the one who was drawing nearer in rage. Flicking Jahad while it was still in the wolf's skull, she transformed it into a spear and swiped it at another wolf, who whined and moved away. The wolves began to circle her again. She was tired and was hoping the wolves would leave, but she couldn't stop now. She couldn't give up.

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