Chapter 84⚔️

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

Warning- The chapter below may cause heartbreaks or maybe not. Read at your own risk.

And please finish your Salah and other chores before u read.

Point the mistakes out so I can edit them. Thank you.


Sidra had watched Muntaha like they were the only ones in the whole field. Her eyes had kissed his being again and again. She watched him watch her like he would absorb her in his blood and never let her leave ever again. She wanted to tell him that she could never let him go. She had long ago made him her world. She might move mountains just to watch him once more. She wanted to tell him that she loved him so much that his distance hurt her soul. She wanted to tell him that his memories clouded her dreams and even the hours that she was awake in. She remembered each promise he had made to her. She remembered each word that he had spoken to her. For her, he was everything. His very presence lit her up. She wanted to say all of these things to him. After ages, she had returned home and she had wanted to spend countless time in his presence and tell him about every single thing that had happened after his departure and yet, the fate had intervened. In a moment all her dreams, all her words had stilled and rushed back towards her and clashed with her pained heart, shattering it apart. And in the ruins of her heart was a realization... She had been abducted, again.

All her emotions that had been rushing to pour out towards one man, were now systematically being wrapped up and cocooned in a corner of her heart, to preserve and strengthen her resolve. They were needed to give her hope and yet needed to recede to make her strong. She had witnessed how the sorcerers and demons manipulated the emotions and her emotions for Jibreel were too pure to be offered on a platter to an army of them. Her psyche was preparing her to face the ones she had been running and hiding from, since ages now.

The grip on her hand was too tight and uncomfortable, but in a second, she had been grabbed by someone else by the other hand and what ensued was a battle of who would hold her tighter. Yet in one grip she could sense the carelessness for her being and the other grip was firm but gentle.

She breathed in the foul air that had surrounded her and coughed, hearing guffaws around her, as if her pain amused her abductors. She rolled her eyes. For a short amount of time she was airborne before she was settled roughly on a horse and they were riding it. The grip on her hand was slipping away. The feeling of lightness had surrounded her being. She didn't understand what the time was and she didn't understand the direction of her travel, even though she had a general idea of their destination.

After what seemed to be a long time, they arrived at their destination. The sun had gone down and she was back outside the same cave where her father had brought her months ago. Standing at the mouth of the cave was Yuvaan, but she believed it was a demon beast in possession of his body, due to the color of his eyes. She straightened her spine and lifted her chin, looking right inside the ridiculing eyes of the beast. He smirked. He had always like this very fire inside her. He would love to extinguish it. Beside him stood her father. The man on the horse behind her dismounted and pulled her off the horse dumping her on the ground. She turned around to see the one who had held her gently for a long time in this journey and found her eyes connect with the fiery and angry eyes of Arsalan who had mounted on another horse. Within a moment he dismounted it and reached her side.

"Arsalan?" She whispered.

"Don't worry Princess! Before they get to you, they will have to kill me." He declared fiercely and turned towards the one who held her and pierced his sword in the man's chest, killing him. A screech rang out in the air, echoing weirdly, signaling the beginning of another battle. Men all around them rushed towards Arsalan, while Yuvaan walked towards Sidra, as she fought back to back with Arsalan against the possessed men.

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