Chapter 75🎍

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Raabel watched the twinkling night sky as she stood up on the peak of the mountain, overlooking their grand palace. This was the place she always came to when she wanted to think. The wind was gently moving around her. Her mind was too full of memories. As she stood there watching the palace, the first snowflake fell from the sky. She watched it for some seconds before looking up. The snowflakes appeared to be glowing as they fell. She wished Sidra had waited just one more day to witness this. She would have loved it. Raabel smiled, as the surge of memories swept her in the lanes of her past.

"Hareem! Stop skipping like this. This is not the place to be skipping around." Asad shouted. Hareem looked back at him and chuckled as she skipped some more. The Prince and Princess of Salasal had come to Sif as a gesture of trust from Salasal to them. The treaty usually kept the Zawwarians on their own side and the Salasalians on their own, unless and until the sorcerers interfered in their world. If that happened then the Zawwarians who had experience, came to the forefront. Prince Asad and his newly wedded Princess had come to renew this treaty. Even though he trusted his allies, he wanted Hareem by his own side at all the times. Asad could be protective and possessive that way.

"Stop being so scared." Hareem goaded him. "Live a little! Look at this place! It's so beautiful and has such a pleasant climate. I have seen deserts of Ghazdaan and the plains of Salasal, but never have seen such beauty anywhere. The mountains of Asmaran caves are something else. Have you seen something as beautiful as this?" Hareem questioned her husband, who watched her watch the mountains with twinkling eyes and smiled softly. The world saw him as a ferocious warrior who had no second when it came to battle. He was courage personified when he walked inside a battle field but right at that moment, he stood like a doting husband, watching his wife of some months, in amazement.

"Yes. I have seen something so beautiful that even these mountains would pale in comparison to that. I have seen something so enchanting that there is no equivalent to something like that." Asad replied in a trance. Hareem watched him with wide eyes in wonderment.

"Really?" She enquired with a childlike innocence and walked towards him. "Where? Would you show it to me sometime?"

"Just look into my eyes. Maybe you will see it there." Asad said and smiled. Hareem narrowed her eyes.

"Asad just tell it to me." She ordered. He smiled more at her insistence. Suspense was his wife's weakness. She couldn't take it. Suspenses of any kind would give her anxiety.

"Oh no. You should find it out instead." He chuckled. She huffed as she pulled on his hands and frowned.

"Asad just tell me about this thing." She insisted.

"Have you ever seen yourself? When the sunlight lights you up in the morning. When the smiled adorns your face in your childlike happiness. When a laugh tinkles out of your mouth when you hear something funny. When you watch something in wonderment and enchantment as it mesmerizes you. Have you ever seen yourself when you love me to craziness and beyond? Thats the most beautiful and amazing thing I have ever seen." Asad whispered to her as his hands took their place on her waist and he pulled her towards himself. She blushed and bent her head shyly. Asad smiled as he lifted her face up with his finger and kissed her forehead. "I have seen you Hareem bint Mussab and everything pales in comparison to it. Had you seen yourself through my eyes, you would fall in love with yourself." He told her softly.

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