Chapter 40☀️

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The garden was almost deserted, except a few stragglers here and there. The beautiful garden was named as Aliffael. The royalty usually chose it for their picnics. It was half sprawled on the Mount of Lashk and half built on the piers on the River. There were small streams running towards the River of Tarab, passing through the Aliffael. The half of the garden, which was on the land had trees of different types, throughout it, shading the garden. The rest of the garden boasted of different flowers on the piers of the garden. There were stone ways throughout the garden except on the piers and beautifully designed bridges over the streams. There were benches situated on the banks of the small streams and also the rest of the Aliffael.

The focal point of the Aliffael was the tip of the pier garden, from where the most beautiful sunset could be spied from the garden. The sunset with all it's hues and beauty could be experienced from the tip of the garden and it was known as the Aliffael sunset. And this was the place where Prince Yurish stood at right now. His entourage were all asked to give him some space, which they had done so reluctantly. They stood some distance away from him.

Prince Yurish, the crown prince of Khaliber, was the King's pride. He was blessed with looks that could put the most handsome men to shame. He possessed a natural grace and was intelligent too, along with being his country's well wisher. Yurish was a man of his words. And he wasn't a womanizer. He didn't touch wine. And he was also quite brave.

In the city of Aileen and the rest of the Khaliber, the Prince was very famous. They said about him, 'Eyes as sharp as the dagger, heart as big as the moon, lips that could put a maiden to shame.' This prince was loved by many maidens of his country and yet the only one he desired, hadn't even replied to the wedding proposal that had been sent to her from his side. He sighed.

As the sun set, Tarab was set ablaze with hues of colors. Yurish smiled slightly as the scene brought him peace. He stroked the hilt of the sword resting at his waist, wishing that she accepts his proposal. Layla binte Ismayeel was the only girl he had ever loved, even though girls threw themselves at his feet. Something about her screamed innocence and open heartedness to him and he began to like her carefree attitude.

Yurish frowned when he focussed on the latest rumors flying around within the city of Aileen, due to which his protection had been doubled by his father. The rumors that whispered about his impending doom due to the latest activity in Ghazdaan. He frowned. Ghazdaan had long become the seat of power in their part of the world. A movement in Ghazdaan could affect them all. And now the movement screamed about a one leadership world. He huffed. Killing the futures of the countries... How cruel was that? He shook his head angrily and turned towards the garden while leaning slightly on the wooden rails. The rumors were still rumors though and even though they caused great panic in Aileen and his father's heart, he still didn't give them much weight.

Everyday the newly arrived merchants from Ghazdaan spoke about such rumors and everyday his father ordered him to be careful while he lovingly patted his head. King Aavez loved this son of his the most and there was no doubt about that, but this behaviour could actually weaken his father with worry and Yurish didn't want that. He sighed.

Soon it was getting darker and Yurish decided to return to the palace. He had work to do and standing here wouldn't accomplish that. He took some steps away from the rails and began walking towards his guards, when he heard it. 'Whoosh'. He stopped and turned around only to feel a swirl of air touching his ears and then a shreik behind him. He turned in surprise to see one of his guards down on the ground, with an arrow peirced in his leg. He frowned and unsheathed his sword. The sound reverberated around, in the silence and his guards came to life as they all copied his action and rushed towards him. Their prince was in danger. Their duty was simple. Protect him or die.

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