Chapter 48🌒

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem

بِسمِ الّلهِ رَّحمٰنِ رَّحيمْ•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Read this chapter because it has additions.

The picture above is how I imagine Aileen palace position to be like. Not the palace though. How do u guys imagine it? This picture doesn't belong to me.


The day was very bright and so were the hearts, in Aileen. The canals were filled with boats and people were in a hurry to get to their chosen places to spend the day of Eid. The family of Ismayeel were on one such boat as they navigated the canals to reach the Royal Gardens as early as possible. The servants had already transported the necessities in two boats before the Eid Salah. They had then proceeded to set up the camp for the arrival of the family of Ismayeel.

The boats were peacefully navigating towards the Gardens. Layla and Rufia, sat on the seats and watched as the waves lapped against the sides of the boat. Layla was silent and heartbroken as she kept thinking about Muntaha and his blatant refusal for her. She also felt envious of the woman who so clearly held his heart in her hands. She bit her lips and turned away from Rufia who was helplessly trying to cheer her up.

The two shadows were keeping their eyes on the boat and following it's progress on the piers. They had been given a job and they had to fulfill it. The boats snaked their ways in the canals amidst the other boats. The people of Aileen had crowded the canals. Some wanted to visit their loved ones for Eid, some were going to spend their days in sightseeing, while others wanted to spend it within the city market to take advantage of the Eid sales.

Layla had always loved such celebrations and noises. She had loved the crowd and also the day of Eid. She had loved to dress up and live upto her reputation of the most beautiful maiden of Aileen. But today her heart was in none of the activities that she had enjoyed priorly. Broken hearts rarely knew the methods of celebrations. The family had wanted her to accompany them to the garden and to let go of the depression that had had her surrounded since many days now, but they hadn't succeeded to even dislodge an inch of the cloud that cast it's darkness over her. Layla bint Ismayeel had never known defeat and yet today, she stood defeated. And she didn't even know who had defeated her.

The shadows followed the boats and kept out of sight as they jumped and ran through the piers behind them. Their work was simple. They had to keep an eye on Layla bint Ismayeel and then abduct her lithe form the moment they had a chance. They had to deliver her to their master and wait for their payment. This was easy money and today was Eid. They deserved today's celebrations too and for that they needed their pockets to be heavy.


Aavez sat at the head of the table and watched Muntaha as he stood near the window, with his back towards the sill. His eyes were set on the King and his hands were folded across his chest. The King sighed as he let his eyes rove over Muntaha.

Ismayeel sat on the chair to the left of the King. Early that morning, after the Salah for Eid was prayed, the King had ordered all his noblemen to arrive at the palace for an urgent meeting. It appeared like the King was taking yesterday's attack too seriously and wanted to discuss the new plan with his courtiers as soon as possible, so he could take the action right away. Yurish had had a big hand in making this possible.

Initially Muntaha had estimated the King to take atleast two more days to finally take a decision, but then he had recieved a Royal invite to attend a meeting near the noon and he had arrived with a handful of his men. He was more than happy with the way things were falling in place right now.

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