Chapter 25⛰

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu my dear readers

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu my dear readers.
I hope you like this chapter.


Rushi was sitting on the balcony and watching the sunrise. The marble beneath her feet was cold and pleasant, as it tethered her to her present. The rogue wind kissed her cheeks and laughed away. But she remained still and silent like a statue. She remained unmoving and sad. Even though the sun was rising in the sky, her life remained dark. For some months when she had travelled from Tardees to Ghazdaan, she had found a loosely formed family, which had now been snatched away from her. Her heart wept tears of blood but her eyes remained dry. The very breaths shouted in anguish but she remained silent on the outside. If Sidra would have been present she would have cried loudly and shouted and screamed. She would have let out the suffocation and become lighter. She knew Sidra would have supported her at her weakest and become her shield when she needed it the most. She trusted Sidra to stay strong in the darkest of the storm. But Sidra wasn't here and Rushi feared that she would never be. That left her to be the strongest member of their group and in charge of Amiza, who was Sidra's life and she couldn't let down Sidra by crying, when Amiza was on her relapse again. No... She had to push her burden deeper till she didn't need to face it anymore. She was going to shred apart her emotions if she could ensure that Amiza came out of the hole she was in. Rushi bit her lips and breathe deeply as she closed her eyes.

Raihana watched the young girl as she sat on the balcony and watched the sunrise. She was an experienced woman. She was a two time widow, who had been brought to the streets, by the men who were after her second husband's property. She had seen dark times in her life. She had survived on a piece of stale bread for the whole week and slept in a shed whose roof was barely there. In the heavy rains she had pulled her tattered shawl closer to her body and her baby's and then in the aftermath she had lost her baby to the chill. Her world was destroyed in a matter of some minutes and her happiness had been snatched away. When she had gone to ask the queen for help, she had refused to ever have seen her. Her will to live had been smothered. And right when she had let go of all hope, a woman had emerged from a passing caravan and held her hand steadily. That woman was Kulthoom. Kulthoom hadn't just restored her life, she had restored her sanity. She had given back her will to live, her hope. Kulthoom had taken her back to Ghazdaan and stayed with her in her moments of depression. She had given her money to trade again. Kulthoom was the person she owed her whole life to, after her Rabb. She could have stayed in Ghazdaan... Kulthoom had insisted. But Raihana then had possessed the spine of iron. She had returned and taken every inch of her property back. She had taken her house back and she had faced Anazirah with pride. Pride that a woman wasn't weak. She was strong and she would never bow down to any man. Raihana had re-established herself.

Today as she watched Rushi, she saw that this girl was so like herself and yet so different. Where Raihana had lost her hope after sometime, Rushi had retained not only the hope but the will to remain strong. What actually kept her going was something she wondered about. Rushi closed her eyes and Raihana sighed. What a stubborn girl!

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