Chapter 99

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

WARNING— This chapter MAY break your hearts.


Salwana stood at the shore and watched as the waves lapped the shore and rush back towards the sea. She was missing home. She was missing her parents, her brother and her people. Here she was just a nuisance and there she had been a princess, a beloved one at that.

She couldn't understand what she could do to prove her love for this man. She had left her whole world behind in search of his love for herself and all she had achieved was his disgust. What was so special about that woman? What did she have that her, the Princess of Anazirah didn't? She had exhausted all her patience. She had tried to spread rumors about the woman and that had backfired. They had just managed to escape the pinpointing of the people that would have revealed them to everyone. She had tried to speak with Jibreel and that had been thwarted. She had tried to kill the woman but that had proved to be Jibreel's limits.

When she had seen how he had defended her and the fury on his face when he faced herself, she had been heartbroken and scared. The look on his face when he watched her, the sweetness with which he claimed her as his, the fearlessness with which he was ready to face the wrath of the world for her, everything she had witnessed for Adara from Jibreel had made the fight drain out of her. Now she wondered if fighting was even an option at this point, because the person she wanted to fight for was himself standing against her, before her rival, protecting Adara life his soul resided within Adara. She closed her eyes and sighed at this. She was tired beyond belief.

"Princess? What are you doing here?" Salwana turned to see Maahim behind her.

"Maahim?" Salwana frowned. She wanted to be alone right now. "What are you doing here?" She questioned crossly. Maahim's face turned sour for a moment before she smiled sweetly at her.

"Oh I was just wondering where you had gone and so I came here to search. And here you are!"

"I just want to be alone Maahim. Can you go back?" Salwana said and turned back towards the ocean.

"Princess. If you are upset... talk to me. I will make sure that your sadness will be swept away."

"My grief isn't curable by you Maahim. Please go."

"Something has happened. You have been upset and look defeated since so many days now."

"I have just realized how the one I love is disgusted by me! I have never seen such look for me from anybody in my life. His eyes shone with mistrust and hatred."

"That's because he is afflicted by magic done by her! I have told you before."

"He watches her like she is his whole world. Something like that cannot come by mere magic. They have a connection more stronger than any sihir."

"That's how it looks but that's not why-"

"Maahim. Please. Just leave it at that. I need solitude."

"So you will just leave it at that? Leave her be? Accept deafeat?" Maahim asked her loudly.

"I don't know what I will do. But whatever it is, you can now leave." Salwana declared crossly. Her heart was in tatters and Maahim's constant chatter wasn't helping her. Her head was paining lightly and she missed her mother's touch fiercely right now. She didn't need constant nagging at this point.

"You will regret it if you let him go Princess! Whole your life, you will keep on thinking if you had done the right thing by giving up. At least trying will give you the satisfaction that you didn't just give up." Maahim said, softening her voice.

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