Chapter 83🏞

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•

One of my readers asked me to put this here and I agree with them. Dear readers, please please do not miss your prayers and do not procrastinate them or your work for the story. Complete them all and come back. The story will be right here. Do not make this a source of my misery and yours. Jazakallahu khair.


Zuhayr and Jehaan turned towards the group of Reehans who were whispering in agitation. They were crowded around another cloaked figure, who was keening in grief. Walking towards them, Jehaan was breathing harshly. Her heart had gone wild since she had heard that name being screamed. The name of their beloved little princess. Jehaan reached the group and they parted for her, making way towards the centre where a woman was crying on her knees as someone tried to console her. When she approached, the woman looked up and watched her. Jehaan was startled.

"Raabel?" Jehaan whispered.

"Jehaan..." Raabel's response was mild.

"What... What did you scream just now?" Jehaan enquired. Raabel began to sob again. Hudhud was standing near them in confusion.

"That girl whom you all believe to be Sidra, is none other than Siham Intisar. I saw the necklace Kulthoom gave her around her neck, when she was being treated in Tannoor." Raabel replied softly. Jehaan lost the balance as she felt the strength leave her and was about to collapse when Zuhayr held her strongly in his arms. He sunk down with her to the ground and began to console a tearful Jehaan.

"Siham? Hareem and Asad's daughter Siham?" Jehaan whispered.

"Yes... the very one. We lost her once and today we lost her again."

"We kept an eye out on her initially because she was too much like Kulthoom." Hudhud muttered.

"But Hareem's blood flows in her veins." Raabel replied. "Ajdaan! I can't lose her again. Please please I beg you to bring her back..."

"This time she is not alone Raabel... This time she is with her guard. Arsalan will be there by her side and protect her with his life if need be." Ajdaan replied. "And before any guard, is Sidra's belief on her Rabb. He is enough of a protection for her..."

"Amizaa!" They heard Rushi shriek and turned towards them. Amiza had fainted in Rushi's arms as she sobbed. She was patting Amiza's cheeks and rubbing her hands turn by turn. She kept calling out Amiza's name. Murtaza reached them and settled beside Rushi. He called out for someone to bring water and then began to throw a handful of it on Amiza's face. She opened her eyes slowly and then looked around before getting up and holding Rushi's hands.

"Was I dreaming just now? Did we not just see Sidratul Muntaha?" Amiza enquired in a trembling voice. Rushi sobbed again before she nodded.

"We did. We saw her and she disappeared again."

"No! NOO!" Amiza screamed in pain. She was behaving too out of control as she tried to fling herself towards the ground. Rushi held her tightly, hugging Amiza to herself. Amiza violently tried to push her away but Rushi didn't allow it as she tightened her hold.

"You need to calm down and trust Allah! He brought her to us once and He can do it again." Rushi whispered to her. Amiza sobbed but calmed down slowly. Rushi looked towards Murtaza, who himself was watching Muntaha.

Muntaha was on his knees as his men watched on. He had closed his eyes and was breathing harshly as he raised his hands.

"Ya Hakeem! I won't question what happened right now. My heart feels empty where it was complete and fulfilled just some moments prior. You are the Wise and I trust You more than I trust my breaking heart and darkening eyes. Ya Hafiz! I just have one request to make, protect her. Protect her and shield her! Ya Allah lastly hold me whole because if You but move Your sight away for one second, my heart will break into pieces. I feel like I am burning in the fire of heart break and I don't know how to stop..." Muntaha whispered. He sat in the position for a while and then stood up determinedly, turning towards Hudhud, who was standing beside Daarim in the group of Reehans. He walked towards Hudhud firmly.

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