Chapter 14 🐎

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


The name was a thorn of pain from her heart, whispered with so much helplessness that the whispers in the wind came alive once more, spying and rushing. The name was also akin to a prayer from her lips, which was uttered with the utmost hope and desperation to attract the said man's attention.

Muntaha had already taken his hands back, berating himself for his actions, when he heard her whisper his name. He lifted his head in haste to see her watching him keenly. Her glance felt different then. He wanted to extend his hand and cup her face, telling her it would be all right, but he hardened his heart and turned away with cold eyes, breaking away her hopes and heart once more. From the corner of her eyes he could see her eyes turning to ice, because of his actions.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her harshly, making her straighten her spine and stand like the warrior she was.

"I wanted to clear my head." She told him expressionlessly. Her mirror eyes had shielded themselves from him so well that he couldn't read her at all.

"I had told you once and I will tell you again. It's dangerous for you to be here. It's dangerous for you to be alone, anywhere, anytime. Beware of being alone!" Muntaha told her. His voice had lost their harshness, but remained cold and calm.

"I am thankful for your warning, but I can take of myself. After all I did take care of myself, before I met your men or you." Adara replied haughtily and turned to go.

"Remember Adara. The wind has ears and eyes. Wherever you go, remember!" Muntaha told her as he turned back towards the sea, which had once again gone back to normal. Adara heard him and began walking away from him slowly.

"I can take care of myself." She whispered slowly. Muntaha clenched his jaw but didn't reply. He knew she felt something for him. He knew he felt something for her too. But the time and tide wasn't on their side and he didn't want another woman to worry about. He sighed. He had to send her away for her own good and for his. She wasn't his destiny, even though in the end they might fight the same battle, but that wasn't going to be so soon, if ever.

Adara hardened her heart and her soul as she walked away from the man who had felt like home, safe and warm. She had never felt the surge of emotions for anyone like she had felt for him and today as she walked away from him, it felt like it was altogether another battle she was fighting, with her wishes. She had been given a life, a rather crooked one and she had been asked to straighten it and that's what she was doing. There was no place for desires in her life. There was place only for the search of truth and the fight for it. And any desires on the way had to go. She bit her lips as her feet carried on walking. With each step she felt like her feet was becoming lead, heavy and tiresome. And yet she trudged on. Far away from his eyes and presence, where the very breath she took was mingled with his scent. He had somehow become her desire and this was her punishment for the deviation from her path. She had to learn to stay upright or she would suffer the consequences later on like she was doing now.

He was the moon to her earth. His light illuminated the darkest recesses of her soul. To dream of acquiring him was in itself her crime. She was the darkest mud on this earth, contaminated and impure. He deserved much more and she deserved very less. She had to forget him, for his sake and her own. Her presence in his life would bring him only trouble.

She hastily reached the safe house and entered the building in a rush only to clash with a hard body and fall to the ground with a groan. She looked up to see Ahyan.

"Ya Binti." Ahyan said tenderly. "Are you all right?"

"Yes." Adara said with conviction. Her face though was hidden by the veil and her eyes were hooded with the curtain of calm, making it impossible for him to make out her unease.

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