Chapter 67💫

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu •

Here you go...


Hudhud looked at Azlain, who was himself watching the sorcerer in shock. The sorcerer had told them everything he could. They decided to think about what their next step should be before taking a decision and exited the cave amidst the shouts of the man to free him.

"What do you think we should do next Azlain?" Hudhud enquired. Azlain watched him with surprise. He wasn't usually consulted this way but today Hudhud was himself asking him.

"I think we need to inform this to Muntaha and Ajdaan both. Every word of this man connect this thing with Aileen." Azlain replied.

"Hmm then you do it. Go to Muntaha. Tell him everything you heard here and let him make a decision." Hudhud instructed. "While I will send a messenger to Ajdaan." Hudhud completed, as he thought about everything that he needed to tell Ajdaan. "Also make sure you reach Aileen as hastily as you can."

Azlain nodded his head and went away to make preparations for his journey, while Hudhud stood there and watched the night sky. He sighed. The things were moving forward hastily, but he wasn't sure why he was feeling so anxious about it. Their little prince had grown up and was moving ahead with full strength and they needed to be proud of him, but a nostalgia was hitting him. Memories of long gone days where his friends used to sit and adore this boy was still fresh in his head. Their deaths were too sudden and too unbelievable for him. His heart had been immersed in grief for years. Watching Muntaha train with him had him recover. He shook himself and finally began to walk towards the hut where one of his fastest rider stayed in. He had a few instructions to give to Ajdaan and he hoped they would be taken care of before more problems arose.


Raabel watched as Sidra slept peacefully. Her face was devoid of the restlessness and pain from before. She smiled slightly at how innocent Sidra looked. Her eyes misted over as she reminisced the baby who was linked wih Jibreel the moment she was born. She didn't know where that baby had landed but she knew where her mother was and for the past twenty years, that mother was kept in the darkness and the mother didn't mind because she had already become crazy due to grief. So said the rumours of Haraira.

Raabel had wanted to save her but she was kept in a tight security, because Mansoor didn't allow her to move away from him. Mansoor had made her captive when she refused him and Mansoor had kept her in captivity, because he had hoped she would accept him someday but that had never happened.

Hareem bint Mussab was a beautiful woman, with eyes as deep as the sea and as clear as the water that flowed.  Hareem was someone who didn't attract people because of her beauty though. She was something else. Her heart was soft and beautiful, filled with rahma for everyone. She was so pious that she seemed to glow from within. But the best thing that defined her was her love for her husband Asad ibn Muhajir. She was in love with her husband and everyone who saw her could see it in the way she behaved and spoke. Every action of hers seemed to be coordinated with him. He seemed to be the gravity of her being, pulling her and pushing her with his being. The moment he would enter, her very eyes would glue them to him as if they were transfixed by him. She was crazy in love and people would fall in love with her love when they knew about it. Her obedience to Asad was what endangered her. Mansoor fell for her craze for Asad.

Asad ibn Muhajir was another enigma. He was as courageous as his name. When he would walk in a battle field people trembled, by his presence. He fought so fearlessly like he had nothing to lose but in truth he had everything. A wife as obedient as an example and a son who was his biggest fan. He was the only man who could not only travel but travel along with his family and people through the dark forest without any harm, due to his piety and fearlessness. Asad belonged to the royal family of Salasal. The family was so famous for their unique and amazing traits, that their children used to be stolen a lot.

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