Chapter 4⚔️

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Zuhayr ibn Ahmad was a pious man. His age was somewhere in the fifties and he still looked as if he was in early forties. His shoulder length hair was usually left open and his simple turban sat on his head, protecting him from the harsh sun as he walked in the streets of the market, in the city of Jazeeb. His hands carried the vegetables and fruits in a small cloth bag, stitched by his wife. He was walking with his head lowered and eyes humbly kept to the ground. His stance showed him to be a common man of no rank and yet there was something about him that made the people to automatically move out of his way. People stilled when he passed by them and wondered about the attraction he held and then walked on.

Zuhayr exited the market and began walking towards the outskirts of Jazeeb. His destination was a small house built at the outskirts, where he and his family lived. His family was a small but a fulfilled one with his wife Jehaan, his son Murtaza and a daughter Marwah. And the biggest responsibility Allah Azzawajal could give him... Muntaha.


He climbed the highest branch of the tree and looked around him carefully. His eyes shining with a confidence not seen in many men of his age. One look at him and anyone could see that he was determined. He spotted the caravan still far way and got down the tree to inform his group of friends. They took their positions and waited.

The caravan was a big one with guards surrounding it from all the sides. It was lead by a nobleman named Kaseh. The nobleman was sitting on a beautiful horse. His stance and face both spoke of arrogance. His eyes were shrewd even when he wasn't involved in any business right then. His turban was made of silk and stitched with gems. Behind him was a crowd of people. Some were on the horses and were just as arrogant looking as Kaseh. Some women were in the palanquins and rest of the men and women were walking alongside the palanquins with their heads lowered. Around the caravan were sturdy looking guards which held the swords at the ready. After all, Kaseh wasn't an ordinary man.

The man held his sword at the ready and waited with baited breath. He had to do this right. He couldn't and wouldn't fail this. His mind replayed all his memories in quick succession and the very next second his heart strengthened. He gripped his sword more tightly and muttered a heartfelt 'Bismillah', before he covered his face and adjusted his turban, exposing just his piercing eyes. He peered from behind the tree and saw the caravan approaching leisurely. His friends looked at him, waiting for his signal. Just as Kaseh passed by them, he gave them the signal and they attacked.

The caravan fell into panic. The guards made two groups, one begun fighting with them and the other surrounded the important men and women in twos. Kaseh stayed in the forefront. His eyes panicky and his sword in his hand. The man looked at him and abandoned the fight with the guards as he moved towards Kaseh. The guards sensed his intention and moved to stop him. He stopped a sword on his own sword and kicked the next guard that intercepted him while he pushed tge first one hard. Both the guards lost their balance and fell down. He swiped his sword on their chests, injuring them and moved ahead only to face three more. He attacked them as they rushed towards him and begun a volley of attacks as they blocked him. He swiped, intercepted and pushed them away. They were good he agreed, but he could take them on. He pushed them away and moved towards Kaseh, who was now surrounded by two more guards. He kicked one in the stomach and pierced his arms with his sword and then fought with the other when he tried to block him.

Kaseh rushed his horse and began to move away. The man hit the remaining guard with a punch and swiped his sword towards him, hitting him on the chest. He began to move towards Kaseh who was trying to traverse the chaotic caravan around him on his horse. The man pulled a dagger from his robes and threw it towards Kaseh. The dagger found its mark on Kaseh's back. Kaseh shrieked and turned in fury. His eyes turning darker and darker as he searched the crowd for the person who dared to attack him. He found the man and stared at him with eyes full of hatred. The man looked back defiantly, making Kaseh frown and as Kaseh watched him with confusion, the man ran and jumped towards a tree on the side, climbing it in seconds. Kaseh furrowed his brows, when he looked at the man. He then groaned. The dagger on his back was giving him immense pain. The man walked on the branch and jumped down on Kaseh suddenly, knocking him off the horse. Kaseh screamed when he fell on his back and the dagger pierced him deeper. He tried to dislodge the man sitting on his chest, but failed. The man smirked and took his sword, holding it hilt down and hit Kaseh's head hard with the hilt. Kaseh screamed and fainted. The man began searching Kaseh's robes for something and then smiled when he found it. He took out the roll of parchments and stuffed it in his robes. He looked down at Kaseh.

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