Chapter 55💐

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu •

Another image of the dark forest is above. The image is not mine.


The garden was silent as it witnessed the meeting of Muntaha and Layla binte Ismayeel, as Umme Dukhan silently watched them both converse. The sun had sunken a little more towards the west and the light was fading along with it. The overgrown trees swayed dangerously, rustling it's clothes in preparation for the evening. The only thing shattering the calmness of the place was Layla's fearful heartbeats as she heard what Muntaha had to say.

"Grevim bin Aavez is one of the most adamant man you will ever meet. He is stubborn as a mule and will not allow anyone to take away something that he feels belongs to him. And right now that thing is you, Ya Binte Ismayeel." Muntaha began calmly. Layla bit her lips and shook her head as a shiver ran down her spine.

"I have never met him." Layla told him. He nodded.

"But he must have seen you somewhere and liked you since then." Muntaha explained. "That isn't the only reason though. Grevim has always been more interested in things that his brother Yurish has liked. And Yurish likes you. He has sent your family a proposal for your hand in marriage. You have refused to consider it till now! Grevim's interest in you increased in intensity when he knew that his brother wanted you to become his wife. Grevim can't see his brother happy and for Yurish, you are his happiness." Layla looked confused and flushed as she heard about how two men were at war due to her. And the man she liked was far from even watching her that way.

"This doesn't solve my predicament Ya Muntaha!" Layla cried out in distress.

"Listen..." Muntaha told her calmly. She rubbed her eyes with two fingers of her left hand and then raised her head to meet his eyes. "In the Kingdom of Khaliber, there are only two men who can stand before Grevim and come out unharmed. One is the King himself and the other one is Yurish bin Aavez. Yurish is brave and he is a very good man. Yurish also is someone who will stay loyal and keep you happy if you give him a chance. He is not scared to face Grevim and knows his brother more than anyone in this Kingdom. He understands just what kind of games Grevim plays and also knows the methods to counter these games." Muntaha told Layla, who listened to him just like he had asked.

Umme Dukhan watched the whole thing with narrowed eyes and bit her lips in confusion. She shook her head when nobody was watching her and sighed in frustration as she waited for the whole conversation to end.

"If there is one place you will be safe from Grevim in this whole kingdom, it is in Yurish's home and his heart. After your Rabb, he is the only one who can save you from this problem. Your father can't and neither can your father's people." Muntaha told her. She raised her head and watched Muntaha in surprise and a hint of betrayal. She had now understood what he was trying to tell her and it was making her feel sad to think that he was broaching this subject with her.

"I don't love him. I can't marry him." Layla told him quietly. Muntaha looked away. Umme Dukhan placed her hand on her forehead as she lowered her head and rolled her eyes. Muntaha sometimes behaved really weird. Just why he thought speaking about Layla's marriage with her was a wise idea, Umme Dukhan knew not. She had already guessed this would be the outcome of such a conversation and was against the idea from the start.

"Binte Ismayeel... You don't even know him. You saw me one time and told me that you love me. But love isn't done with only the looks of a person. Love is done with the heart and akhlaaq too. Love needs time to happen and deepen. Love needs knowledge about the one you are falling for. Yurish bin Aavez is a man of material and he is someone you will find easy to love. I am not saying marry him now. I am just telling you to give him a chance." Muntaha told her. "Also marrying Yurish will actually strengthen your father's position in the court of King Aavez. It will make him more influential in the matters of court. For once do not think just about your heart, think about the future of Aileen too and also the deen."

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