Chapter 2💧

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Jasim waited for an answer from the two young women who had been following them incessantly since they had been in the bazaar. They appeared to be from good families by their dressing. The one hiding behind was more beautiful than the one facing them and yet they all seemed to be watching the front girl, magnetized by the fire burning in her eyes.

"Will you answer me? Or should we deal with you both as we see fit?" Jasim asked again. Ahyan held his shoulder and squeezed it to calm him down. Jasim looked at Ahyan and fell quiet. Ahyan watched the girls curiously.

"Did you need something from us?" He enquired gently. Adara placed a hand on her sister's hand.

"I am Adara and this is my sister Amiza. We heard your conversation. We heard about your plans on migration and were wondering if we could get a place in your caravan." Adara kept her explanation as simple as possible. She didn't want to give away anything more than necessary.

"Why?" Jasim asked again. His eyes were distrustful of the sisters.

"We are running away from people who want to oppress us. If we are not able to escape now, we would never be able to do it." Adara told him. He wasn't satisfied with the answer but turned towards Ahyan whose eyes seemed to be trained on Adara.

"Where is your family?" He questioned Adara.

"Lets just say, we are not with family and leave it at that." Adara replied, turning her head away. Ahyan appeared to be in thought while Jasim observed them. Adara met Jasim's eyes and held them strongly. Amiza's hand had tightened more on her arm.

"We are leaving tomorrow night. If you want to accompany us, you should be present at the northern borders of the city before midnight." Ahyan told her. She turned her eyes towards Ahyan  and nodded. "We have trusted you but that doesn't mean we do not know defense and are gullible. This is a favor we are doing on you and when time comes there will be payment from your side. And while we are at it, if you betray us somehow, we won't treat this lightly."

"You do not need to worry about betrayal. We have no such plans." Adara replied.

Ahyan nodded and departed from the place with his group. Jasim was the last one to leave. He stared deeply at Adara and with a cursory glance at Amiza he turned sharply and followed his little group away.

Amiza exhaled and watched the back of her sister's head. Why had she been so scared? Had Adara ever let her down? Her sister was made up of a stronger stuff and she didn't understand how had their blood given them so different characteristics.

"Are you okay Amiza?" Adara asked her sweetly.

"I thought we are going to be abducted and tortured. I don't understand how you toughen up in such situations." Amiza wondered. Adara chuckled softly.

"Father." She answered. Amiza was confused.

"What Father?"

"Father is the reason I toughen up when I am faced with possible trouble. Each time I was punished it taught me how to face the consequences."

"For once I am glad he punished you. The results are admirable."

"Oh Amiza. We have a long way to go. If I weaken at such small confrontations, how will we move ahead?" Adara enquired.

"True." Amiza relied thoughtfully. "Now we have a possible escape plan. Will we join them then?"

"We will think about it. We are already prepared anyways. So if we do leave we won't need much time." Adara replied. "We will have to return for now. Mother will wonder where we are."

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