Chapter 34🎁

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.


"Murtaza?" Jehaan whispered longingly as she watched her son. He smiled and nodded his head before settling down on his knees before her. He kept his head in her lap and inhaled her scent. He was home. Jehaan smiled and stroke her son's hair as the tears started their appearance slowly. She kissed his head and began sobbing silently. Her Allah was truly Merciful. She was wondering what they would do in this situation. They were alone and without any serious protection and He SWT sent her son, her protection to her. She bowed her head to Him in gratitude and then stroke Murtaza's head again. Her heart was at peace now that one of her warrior was home.

Rushi was startled to say the least. Her ridiculously fierce and strong heart missed a beat and then began to gallop to make up for the missed beat. His eyes had evoked feelings in her heart that she had long back locked and caged. He set free all her thoughts in motion with just a glance through his eagle eyes. She gulped. Another face waved in front of her eyes... a face that still brought her comfort but the feeling of ache that accompanied his memories was dulled to an ache. She wanted to know what was going on...

"Ummi I am home." Murtaza declared and the very next second, Marwah squealed and ran towards her brother locking him in her slender arms. Murtaza chuckled at his sister and stood up. Marwah let the ground go, while she tightly held on to Murtaza. Murtaza embraced her tightly and smiled tearfully. His baby sister... He had missed her.

"I missed you soo much Murtaza!" Marwah declared. Murtaza smiled and separated her from himself before settling her on the ground and holding her face delicately as his anxious eyes roved over it. He was checking her for injuries, Marwah realised along with all the other women present in the balcony. Their eyes turned soft at his gesture. He sighed in satisfaction and pecked her forehead.

"Likewise Roohe Murtaza (soul of Murtaza)!" Murtaza whispered, earning him sighs from all over the balcony. Marwah smiled tearfully and hugged him again.

"Take us back home. We miss Ghazdaan and Jazeeb." Marwah softly mumbled in his chest. He sighed.

"Soon. In sha Allah."

"Does he not miss us?" Marwah complained. Murtaza grew serious.

"Muntaha is exerting himself to his fullest capacity to get Ummi and you back home Ya Marwah. Do not think ill of your brother." Murtaza gently admonished her. "I promise you that I will not leave you alone in this foreign land again." Marwah nodded and sniffled as she looked at him. Her brother was quite handsome and he looked and smell like safety.

Rushi watched the exchange between the siblings and gulped down the onslaught of her memories. She missed her little brothers a lot. She wished they had spent some more time with each other but that wish was impossible now. There was gaping wound in her heart due to her siblings' loss, that had been recovering since she met the sisters. Now though it was fracturing again. She wished she could have a relationship with someone that would allow her to conpletely rely on them and trust them with her own life. Jasim... Her heart whispered in longing but the very next second his face flashed before her eyes. His face which had gone deadly pale when he had realised that Amiza and Sidra were below the deck on the ship right when the ship toppled over. She could never forget that moment when her hope had shattered over.

The exchange between the mother and her children continued for a while with slight participation from Raihana and Saima. Rushi gradually felt like they were intruding on a private moment and hastily covered her face. She turned towards Amiza to suggest going back to their chamber as they had already finished their breakfast and then froze. Amiza was watching Murtaza with complete concentration. Her whole being had settled down as she watched the man with apt attention, rarely blinking her eyes. Rushi exhaled the breath in a whoosh. Amiza looked... just like herself when she watched Jasim. There was an unknown pang in her chest as she tried to stop thinking about the whole thing and safely retire to her room. Her emotions were being messed up and she needed to settle them down before she saw this man again. This man who was messing with her heart and head wothout even applying any effort in it. Rushi got up from her place at the diwan and began to inch towards the door slowly, without attracting any attention.

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