Chapter 50🏚

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.


Amiza bit her lips violently and watched the Anaziran royals who waited for her decision. She was at loss on what to do and cursed herself for biting more than she could chew. If she had just stopped to reconsider her actions for a second than maybe she wouldn't have had to stand here and face these sharks alone. If she had perhaps waited tor someone to return before following Saima, she wouldn't have had to take any decision right then. But she had seen a chance and she had grabbed it. Now she couldn't undo her actions and decisions. It was time to face their aftermath. It was time Amiza stepped out of her sister's shadow and protect her's from the oncoming damage. She strengthened her spine and promised Sidra a single thing: I, Amiza Thuraiz, your sister Ya Sidratul Muntaha, will make you proud of me. She looked Baazigha right in the eye as she uttered the words that would seal her fate.

"Lead the way O Queen..."

Baazigha's eyes flashed at the insolence of the girl standing before her. Her very posture screamed of confidence that she didn't expect this girl to have. Baazigha smirked. She would beat this confidence out of this girl as soon as she could and she would not hesitate even a second to break her apart. This girl who had attempted to snatch one of her most prized possessions from her, her son, her prince, Jaleed.

Saima's eyes teared at the way she had to feel like the worst traitor of the world right then. She fisted her hands at her helplessness. She didn't want to do this. But she was helpless and helplessness was one of the most crushing feelings in the world of feelings. It made you feel weak and hopeless and it broke your self respect to pieces. Saima, who had vowed to protect the people she loved was forced to stand on a tightrope with the people she loved on both the sides. If she tried to save one side, the other crumpled. In the end though, she herself would be the one defeated and crushed. For how could you stand as a victor by betraying your own?

Jaleed's eyes shone as pride ran through his veins. He saw Amiza step in the shoes of a royal that very instant and smiled. She was made to rule, this girl with a face of moon. He fell a little more for her that very second. He sighed as he turned back towards his mother, who was assessing Amiza with sharp eyes and slight smile.

"Mother?" He called out and Baazigha turned towards him. "We should take this meeting inside." He said with an inclination of his head, towards the house behind them. Baazigha nodded and turned towards her maid. Disa bowed and took some steps back before she turned and opened the door of the house and stood aside to allow everyone to enter, before she closed the door again.

The door closed with an ominous click and submerged the house in silence. Amiza felt her heard thud with the sound. It felt too final a sound to be heard and Amiza was scared that it might have been her only chance to escape. She pushed her fears away and caught herself from faltering before she began to observe her surroundings. She had crossed an ocean after escaping her father, she had escaped an ocean and then she had crossed a country and lost a sister before she came here. She could stand on her own now and face these people and she would even save her friend. She lifted her chin and occupied the seat offered to her, rather haughtily.

The house was a simple one, submerged in an almost darkness. A single lamp burned on a wooden table in the centre of the room. Surrounding the table were three chairs, two of which were occupied by the Queen and the Prince. Disa stood behind the Queen. Saima had slunk towards the wall, in an attempt to attract the least attention she could. In a corner of the room was a small wooden stand which was smoking. It was a perfume stand, lit up with a scent to ward off the smell of the unused house.

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