Chapter 66🌄

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu •

Surprise!!!! Yup another one. Here you go. Do tell me everything you feel during this chapter. Your comments are quite entertaining and encouraging.


Raabel entered the chamber and felt like all the medicinal herbs in the world had fought over the chamber for their supremacy. She tried to get rid of the potent smell by pinching her nose but it still hounded her. She sighed and helplessly pushed herself to step near the centre of the collision of herbs, where a frail woman laid.

Sidratul Muntaha... Who was this woman? She had gone against the sorcerers in their own land even when she was just a woman from the outer world and fought and killed so many of their numbers without running away. Her steps were always moving forward even when the sea of the unruly men had rushed towards her. She had been their centre of attention and yet she had stood her ground. This woman had truly handed over her life to the One who created it. No wonder, the prince who was beloved to even the introverted Reehans, had made her his beloved. She was not a woman to be messed around and her courage made sure of that. Raabel smiled remembering someone from her past who was promised to Jibreel, but now maybe this would be the only reality of their little prince. Yet, her heart pained for the one who had missed out on a man like Jibreel, even though this woman had already proved her worth. Even her husband, who seldom liked the outer world people, had proclaimed her his family, which he had never done with Jibreel, even after how much he liked him.

Raabel settled down on the bed, beside Sidra, who was burning in fever. No amount of herbs had been able to reduce her heat. She sighed when she touched Sidra's forehead. Sidra screamed just then and the walls trembled due to the amount of pain and anguish that had pooled in her voice.

"Raabel! Can you do something? She is wasting away. Her reality is blurring to her and I fear for her sanity!" Ajdaan had walked right next to her. Her veil prevented him from reading her face and that made him feel uneasy. Years of marriage and respectful understanding had enabled them to converse with each without words, yet right now, he was rendered helpless. Raabel looked towards him.

"Abu Zuhaib. She is dreaming. Her dreams are hurting her. In sha Allah if she hears the Kalaam of our Rabb, she would find the strength to counter their games. I need you to bring me few of our women who are huffaz." She told him. He nodded instantly and walked away towards Reem, who was watching them without even blinking.

"Dearest..." Ajdaan whispered to Reem, who watched him attentively. "Bring me the best huffaz from Zawwar." Reem watched his face for a moment before nodding and then slipped away. Ajdaan returned to Raabel's side and placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked towards him once and then smiled as she placed her hand over his.

Ajdaan loved her a lot. He was crazy about Reem but Raabel was his strength. She was the reason he fought so bravely and stood so tall. She was his confidence. He knew at one point in a battle field or life, Reem's partnership and his strength along with his whole tribe might fail but Raabel? Raabel's worship and her faith would never fail. He knew Raabel's Rabb would never let her down and Raabel loved him crazily. And more then Reem's anger he was scared of Raabel's heartbreak, because he knew her heart was her Rabb's amanah and he had no right to break it.

Back in the valley he had made a weapon bracelet for Reem because he was scared of any harm that might befall her. He was scared to lose Reem because Reem was the air he breath. She was akin to the blood that was essential for his life. Yet, he didn't make any for Raabel, because he knew that Raabel's piety and worship was enough of a weapon and a shield for her. He knew that where Raabel stood, a fortress was made for her, and that fortress was made up of ibadah, which was unshakable and unbreakable. And that was why Raabel was his heartbeat, without which he couldn't function.

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