Chapter 92🍭

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Tabish bin Aavez stood at the balcony of his chamber and watched the city of Aileen stretched out before him. The mists had cleared that day and he was getting a rare clear view of his city. He was wearing a white thawb and his head was covered by a turban. He had applied slight perfume over his clothes and when people saw him they saw a friend of Allah.

His eyes were calm and his face was serene. His brother Yurish was the favorite of Aileen but Tabish was the one they respected. He spent his time in the mosques of Aileen. He gave speeches after Jumuah sometimes. Sometimes he lectured the people at odd times at various mosques. For him his words were his service.

The people loved him. They wanted to listen to him. They followed his instructions and they respected him. He stayed away from the desires of the world.

He inhaled and looked towards the sky when he heard the call of his beloved falcon. It came soaring through the sky and perched on his shoulder. He smiled and pet it for some time before he freed the message from it's foot and rolled it open.

'The war has begun. Preach.'

The message read. He stiffened and then relaxed as a small smirk set itself upon his lips.


Muntaha watched the skies as they darkened up. Behind him, Sidra was sleeping peacefully due to the effect of medicines. He closed his eyes and felt the wind caress his face and then felt the peace as it enveloped him. Right at this very second, he had everything he loved around him. His family was back to him, his wife was right within his room and the adhan had echoed loudly declaring the war in Ghazdaan. He turned and watched his wife happily. He wished that Allah would show His upon him even in the future.

He walked towards the bed and settled down beside Sidra. The next day he had a meeting with his council to decide the next step. They had to plan regarding various things. They had to discuss about the information Fihane had given them.

Sidra moved and drew his attention towards herself. She was waking up. He moved one of the tresses of hair, that had fallen over her face, behind her ear. She scrunched her forehead and woke up. Her forehead smoothed when she saw him. He smiled slightly.

"How is your pain now?" He enquired softly. She was in too much pain a few hours prior.

"Much better. Why haven't you slept yet? Tomorrow will be a busy day, won't it?"

"I was just thinking." He said as he sunk down beside her and turned to face her. He took one if her hands in his and placed it beside his head, near his lips.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Some days ago, a dancer from Zarabeel revealed to us information about Azfahan. I was just thinking about that." He told her. She frowned.


"Yeah. It is a port city of Ghazdaan. The dancer revealed that this place is a major centre for import of women and their training to lead people astray in this country."

"I have heard about Azfahan from my father." Sidra told him. "My father was a head sorcerer. He had mentioned about Azfahan and a mission they had to accomplish in it. He had also mentioned an institution he belonged to. But at that time, I couldn't understand much of it. Only when I studied with Zainab did I understand that many practices that he followed were a taboo in Islam. The institution and the master he mentioned must have been related to the demons too. So I am guessing that their mission was similar to the one you have mentioned. He said that the King of Tardees had a hand in sending the women to Ghazdaan so they could erode the teachings of Islam, but their mission would be to send a team of sorcerers under a female sorcerer to this kingdom, to accomplish something else. I don't know what though." Sidra informed him. Muntaha frowned.

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