Chapter 21 🦅

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu•

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu•


Daarim stayed on his seat beside Muntaha's side, watching his face as it returned back to normal. He was feeling relieved. He frowned when he thought about how Sidra had strongly pushed down her emotions and helped Kaamla to start his treatment. It reminded him a bit of Muntaha. Before that night, he had never seen Muntaha go berserk. But now that he had witnessed it, he understood that his friend carried a special place in his heart for Sidra. He sighed. He knew Hudhud didn't want Sidra and Muntaha to meet for some reason, but it would be too cruel.

He started suddenly when he thought of how Sidra had sealed her emotions within herself. If that was the case then she must be having an emotional breakdown right now. Someone needed to watch over her. As much as he knew her, she would be breaking down to pieces at that very second. He frowned and got up suddenly, but then his gaze fell on Muntaha who was still not conscious and sighed. He couldn't abandon his post by Muntaha's bedside. He should ask Nazlee to go check on Sidra but how do he call her? He muttered irritatedly.

Sidra had become quite close to the siblings and he cared about her a lot. If he could just get a hold on anybody who were close to Sidra, then he could ask them to go check on her.

She was an exceptional woman and everyone agreed to that now. Ajdaan was beaming with pride when he exited the healing hut earlier, making Daarim feel quite awkward. He had never seen Ajdaan beam before, but that second he had realised that Ajdaan was Sidra's teacher and so was quite proud of whatever accomplishment she would accomplish.

Hudhud though had looked torn and Daarim frowned when he thought of his chief. Today when he had returned with Muntaha in such a state, Hudhud had kept a level head, but anybody seeing him could tell the level of anxiety that had gripped him. He was furious at everything. He had settled Muntaha before he turned towards Daarim angrily. Daarim had borne the brunt of his anger silently and related to him the whole incident about how Muntaha had cracked under the news of Sidra. Hudhud had angrily frowned and that frown had been etched on his face since then.

Daarim really wished he could help his friends, but the chief had spoken and now they couldn't just go against him could they? He settled his rebellious heart and emptied his mind of such thoughts. Hudhud had his own reasons and those reasons he couldn't fathom. He wished he could though.

He watched Muntaha again. Muntaha would have wanted to take the decision on his own and not want anyone to interfere, but what could he do regarding this? Should he at least drop a hint about the matter or let Muntaha heal in peace and go from the Valley, without meeting the woman who had such a hold over his heart? He frustratedly bit his lips and looked away.

He heard some commotion outside and furrowed his brows. Muntaha stirred on the bed. Daarim frowned and got up, walking towards the door of the hut to tell them to keep it low. He peeped down and inhaled sharply, when he realised the hut the commotion was taking place around was none other than Sidra's. Before he could take any action though, he heard rustling of sheets behind him.

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