Chapter 106

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
Here you go dear readers, If I have any left😂

It doesn't come slow and steadily,
It creeps up uninvited and is sudden that it makes us breathless,
It grips our heart and claw our soul,
Before shattering it and clawing it whole,
It sinks us in despair,
And mangles us beyond repair,
And when the storm within us pass,
It makes difficult for us even the most mundane of tasks,
The life we know, is forever changed,
And then deep down do you know what remains?
Regrets and what ifs that doesn't let us breathe,
They are present with us while we wake and sleep...
The heartbreak from it kills us from within,
Leaving outside, a shell, gaunt and thin...
No it doesn't arrive slowly,
It's indeed sudden...

The Safe house.

Amiza watched as she saw Maahim watch her cruelly. She frowned. Amiza was usually someone who kept to herself. Back in Hinviz, she was very well behaved and didn't seek trouble, but that was only till her sister wasn't targeted. The woman standing before her had a prominent history of hurting her sister and planning and plotting behind her back. And a glance at her made Amiza straighten her back and stand alert.

"Maahim... And to what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you again?" Amiza asked. Her voice was strong and her legs remained firm as she watched the shrewd woman, who smiled cruelly with eyes shining with a hint of ridicule. Amiza steeled herself unconsciously. Her heart was on the verge of exploding. Maahim looked like she had a purpose, a strong one at that. She wanted to be alert and not give an inch to the shrewd woman. Her sister's cries for help when this woman set her alight still haunted her dreams sometimes. Her moral compass worked only till her sister remained untouched. After that she couldn't guarantee any morality. Long ago, she couldn't help her sister. She was weak and helpless and even to heal her sister's wound she hd to be scared of punishment. But now? Now it didn't matter anymore. Now she could be strong. Her sister was her strength.

Maahim chuckled and shook her head.

"Amiza Do you know what the similarity between you and me is?" She enquired from Amiza, who shuddered to even think that she might even have something in common with this woman. "We both can go to any lengths for our loved ones. In my case its my son and in your case its your witch of a sister, who just knows how to harm her loved ones and others' loved ones too." Maahim said hatefully. "But there is something else too that is common between us. Its the fact that you and I are alone in this world. You may have a family but they are not in this side of the world and maybe they are not even going to accept you anymore. Your mother and brother might have begun to hate you because you refuse to give up on your sister and caused the death of your father and brother."

"They got what they deserved. Evil begets evil. They sided with the evil side and hence they were punished. Evil can never reap any good in this world." Amiza said lifting her chin slightly. She refused to be broken by such taunts. Maahim would have to try harder if she wanted to defeat Amiza. "Besides... I still have the most important part of my family... my sister... Adara"

Maahim started to laugh at that and then wiped the tears that seemed to have arrived at her mirth, in her eyes. She smiled at Amiza with twinkling eyes like she knew something that Amiza didn't. Amiza fidgeted. Nervousness suddenly arrived within the folds of her heart.

"Oh you Foolish Girl!" Maahim chortled. In the setting of the sun, her face looked more vile and cruel. "The woman whom you think as your sister is not your sister at all." Maahim fell silent to let her words sink into Amiza's brain. Amiza watched her cluelessly. The words uttered hung in the air for a moment before it echoed through Amiza's soul and then burned in her heart. Amiza gulped the pain that the possible implication of Maahim's words brought about and lifted her head in disbelief to watch Maahim look elated at the beginning of Amiza's undoing. Amiza shook her head. How could she trust this vile woman who had tried to hurt them even before by her tricks. No... she had to be strong!

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